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UN vote on Palestine will lead to war

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  • UN vote on Palestine will lead to war
    Wednesday, June 29, 2011 | Ryan Jones

    The result of the Palestinian Authority's bid to win international recognition for a Palestinian state at the UN in September is likely to be war with Israel.

    That according to a survey of Palestinian Arabs conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Opinion this week.

    While most Palestinians do not believe the motion on an independent Palestinian state will pass in both the General Assembly and the Security Council, if it does, they have very specific and violent ideas about what should happen next.

    If the UN recognizes Palestine, 76 percent of Palestinian Arabs said their security forces must immediately exert control over all of Judea, Samaria and the eastern half of Jerusalem, even at the risk of open warfare with the Israeli army.

    They also want Palestinian forces to seize control of the Allenby Bridge crossing into neighboring Jordan.

  • #2
    Re: UN vote on Palestine will lead to war

    There is no way Israel can allow this. It would lead to the killing of all Jews in the west bank for a start and the bringing in of all manner of heavy weapons to attack all Israel.....

    Israel would be forced to attack first in a premptive strike, eliminating the entire palistanian authority structure.. which would likely start another mideast war......

    Even so, come quickly Jesus


    • #3
      Re: UN vote on Palestine will lead to war

      (Welcome back, Lewis!)

      I wonder...just because they get some UN recognition does this mean the PLO can do anything with it? They're still going to have to "force" Israel off the land they THINK will be their State. Right now the PLO (and about 193 of the 198 nations in the UN that will give them the go-ahead) aren't anywhere near strong enough to force Israel to do anything nor do I think they would with only a paper telling them they have UN permission. Past Resolutions haven't meant much more than the piece of paper they're written on and we're talking about the 5th most powerful military in the world (at least at one time...I'm guessing that hasn't changed much).

      'Course we have rogue, loose cannons such as Iran to think about ... no telling how this year will end up!


      • #4
        Re: UN vote on Palestine will lead to war

        Wow, watch this short video about why Israel can't agree to 1967 borders. No wonder this UN vote is such a big deal. If Israel goes back to pre-1967 borders she has no defense against her enemies. Should this happen in September, I can see Psalm 83 happening leading to Ez 38/39.... and.... wow hopefully the Rapture just before all this!!! Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!


        • #5
          Re: UN vote on Palestine will lead to war

          Very good video. As for the PLO God will take care of them.

