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Prophetic Implications: Signs in the heavens

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  • Re: Signs in the heavens

    Originally posted by Butterfly View Post
    There is this educational video by NASA explaining the Sun possibly has a binary Brown Dwarf. Interesting that there are many photos I'll try to link showing this body rising and setting and anyone can tell it's not a sun dog.
    The brown dwarf idea is fascinating and cool. But Ya would not see it. It would be far out and dark. The idea is it gets close enough every once and awhile to disturb other objects in our system. Like maybe why there are comets at all. A great shower of many comets at once would appear to the eye as the heavens falling. Imagine 20 or 30 comets in the sky at once, all with streaking tails in the same direction ….


    • Re: Signs in the heavens

      A new video Dutchsinse reshot about Elenin with Soho pictures and nested it inside Tatoo's Youtube. I'm not sure why. It does look pretty big in comparison to the sun but not as solid. Just more info.


      • Re: Signs in the heavens

        Here is an unusual cloud formation. It is being alleged to be as the result of HAARP:


        • Re: Signs in the heavens

          BIG SUNSPOT GETS BIGGER: Behemoth sunspot 1263 has almost doubled in size this weekend.


          • Re: Signs in the heavens



            • Re: Signs in the heavens

              Originally posted by Debbie W. View Post

              OH man, i soo want to see the arora sometime in my life. From Earth or heaven...


              • Re: Signs in the heavens


                • Re: Signs in the heavens


                  • Re: Signs in the heavens

                    Severe Solar Storms Could Disrupt Earth This Decade: NOAA

                    Last month, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said U.S. plants affected by a blackout should be able to cope without electricity for atleast eight hours and should have procedures to keep the reactor and spent-fuel pool cool for 72 hours.

                    Nuclear plants depend on standby batteries and backup diesel generators. Most standby power systems would continue to function after a severe solar storm, but supplying the standby power systems with adequate fuel, when the main power grids are offline for years, could become a very critical problem.

                    If the spent fuel rod pools at the country's 104 nuclear power plants lose their connection to the power grid, the current regulations are not sufficient to guarantee those pools won't boil over, exposing the hot, zirconium-clad rods and sparking fires that would release deadly radiation.



                    • Re: Signs in the heavens

                      New Meteor Shower Discovered; May Uncover New Comet
                      February Eta Draconids could be sign of hazardous comet, scientists say.

                      As with other established meteor showers, the new meteors are named for the constellation from which they appear to radiate—in this case, the northern constellation Draco, near the star Eta Draconis.

                      Since there's already a shower called the Eta Draconids that peaks in April, this new one has been dubbed the February Eta Draconids


                      Draco is a constellation in the far northern sky. Its name is Latin for dragon
                      Last edited by Debbie W.; 08-10-2011, 08:15 PM.


                      • Re: Signs in the heavens

                        Interesting soho lasco C2 image

                        I wish I could see what is causing that bright light across the bottom. The frame previous to this one was about a hour and a half prior to this one


                        • Re: Signs in the heavens

                          8/12/2011 - wow! @ 4min 4sec! Planet and FOUR moons = Eastern Sky 4am CDT
                          by Dutchsinse (east from St. Louis)


                          • Re: Signs in the heavens

                            I’m at work and can’t see the video but – Jupiter?

                            My oldest, when she was in 5th grade did a cool science fair project. We observed Jupiter every (cloudless) night and recorded in a journal the moon positions. Once a month they all line up! She got first prize a daddy victory


                            • Re: Signs in the heavens

                              Jupiter is indeed in our Eastern skies and at about the same degree as he said he was pointing his camera so - likely, yes. He said the color didn't seem quite right to him for it to be Jupiter but nothing else really makes sense. I don't accurately see 40% of the color spectrum but this sure looks like it has a blueish tint to me and I've always been told Jupiter looks blue to us. Not really sure what point he's making with this video (admittedly I only watched about the first 4-5 min of it...don't have time to watch the whole thing right now).


                              • Re: Signs in the heavens

                                Imo Jupiter is the coolest to observe, all the moons switch position every night, it’s very dramatic. A lot of people say Saturn with the rings is better but night after night it’s the same. Every couple or some odd years the rings rotate around the planet and you get a cool view but it’s a long time to wait. That and Jupiter is so bright its practically as shiny as a landing plane.

                                I loved the theory’s of Jupiter being the magi’s star, “The king star” and its conjunction with Regulus in Leo setting Jesus birth in something like 2 or 3 or 4 bc. – fun stuff.


