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Prophetic Implications: Signs in the heavens

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  • Re: Signs in the heavens

    Originally posted by wendyj View Post

    Interesting that the talks in Israel are being started again and the super moon and planetary alignment is now July 22 to August 26.
    Is this the alignment you were referring too? I find it Interesting that William and Kate's baby was born this day as well.


    • Re: Signs in the heavens

      I've been thinking about this very thing a lot too, ladies. I like to listen to Stan Deyo too, Wendy. I think he's got his finger on the pulse. I catch him on Hagman and Hagman every chance I get. I think the 2014/2015 blood moon tetrads and Star of David alignment and the woman clothed in the sun constellation are going to be significant. I really think we are getting so close! I am so giddy! All these signs in the heavens, plus what's happening on earth with the rampant wickedness, the human/animal hybrids by man and human/nephilim hybrids by fallen angels... again! I agree that the "royal" baby being born on the Star of David alignment is no coincidence, Debbie.


      • Re: Signs in the heavens

        But what do think it may mean? I am hoping we don't have to wait for this young man to grow up to be a possible anti Christ . Gee I can't even think about it cuz all I can think that he is just a tiny baby. Well I agree that the sky's speak God's message. We wait on His timing. God bless.


        • Re: Signs in the heavens

          I think if the mid point to trib is 2017 because of REv 12 ref to Mary/Israel
          and because the constellations demonstrate this in 2017---so if we back up 42 mnths (31/2 years) to the start of the 7 years ---then I think that is spring 2014---so could we be very close right now? or our we wrong.

          I have always wondered about a gap between the rapture and trib.
          The time of Jacobs Trouble is the last 31/2 years of trib. I am reassessing all of this from what we discussed a long time ago.

          Whether he comes between now and spring or whether we will see the rise of China and the raising up of their 200 million christians which they already have, I do not know---but I know one day He will come for us and I stake everything on that, I think we have lost our christian foundations in the west and are headed for bondage/serfdom and unrest, but I know I have to continue to teach the Word and rescue some.


          • Re: Signs in the heavens

            Originally posted by wendyj View Post
            I think if the mid point to trib is 2017 because of REv 12 ref to Mary/Israel
            and because the constellations demonstrate this in 2017---so if we back up 42 mnths (31/2 years) to the start of the 7 years ---then I think that is spring 2014---so could we be very close right now? or our we wrong.

            I have always wondered about a gap between the rapture and trib.
            The time of Jacobs Trouble is the last 31/2 years of trib. I am reassessing all of this from what we discussed a long time ago.

            Whether he comes between now and spring or whether we will see the rise of China and the raising up of their 200 million christians which they already have, I do not know---but I know one day He will come for us and I stake everything on that, I think we have lost our christian foundations in the west and are headed for bondage/serfdom and unrest, but I know I have to continue to teach the Word and rescue some.
            Are you saying you believe the army of 200 million in Rev 9:16 are Christians?


            • Re: Signs in the heavens

              John --No I am not thinking that but some estimates of 200 million Christians exist in China---I am wondering if they will have a role in the end times to carry the torch if the Lord tarries and the baton is passed from North America , eastward. Our culture is is hopelessly gone unless a severe mercy by God wakes it to the truth. I guess those were some of my thoughts.


              • Re: Signs in the heavens

                An interesting 45 minutes

                I like this Velikovsky



                • Re: Signs in the heavens

                  Originally posted by wendyj View Post
                  John --No I am not thinking that but some estimates of 200 million Christians exist in China---I am wondering if they will have a role in the end times to carry the torch if the Lord tarries and the baton is passed from North America , eastward. Our culture is is hopelessly gone unless a severe mercy by God wakes it to the truth. I guess those were some of my thoughts.
                  Ok, I was a bit concerned there. God has something planned for all, whether in the forefront or not. My daughter and a classmate along with a teacher were involved in a balloon launch north a number of weeks ago, it didn't go well as the winds weren't cooperating, but we may never know how much impact the 8 or so balloons did have.


                  • Re: Signs in the heavens

                    Kipling 1898:
                    [QUOTE]OH, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
                    Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat
                    But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
                    When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth![/QUOTE]

                    Was Kipling a prophet? or maybe he read his Bible?

                    btw, I thought that China was west


                    • Re: Signs in the heavens

                      Published on Jul 27, 2013

                      Stan approves of and has validated Scottie's work! - End times and the coming Signs in the Heavens are the topic of this candid interview with Middle-East archaeologist, Biblical student, research physicist, author, lecturer, programmer, senior systems analyst, architect, engineer, etc... Stan Deyo.


                      • Re: Signs in the heavens

                        Spacecraft Sees Giant 'Hole' In the Sun


                        • Re: Signs in the heavens


                          This is from a publication from Las Vegas. Not sure how accurate it is...just passing it on.


                          • Re: Signs in the heavens

                            Kinda freaking / geeking out over this …


                            A NEW STAR IN THE SKY: Around the world, amateur astronomers are turning their telescopes toward minor constellation Delphinus where a new star has appeared. Koichi Itagaki of Yamagata, Japan, discovered the nova on August 14th. At the time, the stellar brightness was +6.3. Since then it has continued to brighten, crossing the 6th magnitude threshold of naked-eye visibility. John Chumack photographed the surging nova on August 15th from the John Bryan State Park in Yellow Springs, Ohio:

                            "The nova is hard to see naked eye unless you are in a very dark sky and know exactly where to look," says Chumack, "but this is a very bright nova visible in binoculars." He used a 16-inch Newtonian telescope to take the picture.

                            Backyard astronomers who wish to see this nova should point their GOTO telescopes to coordinates 20:23:30.7, +20:46:06 (J2000). More information and updates are available from Sky and Telescope.

                            Kinda freaking / geeking out over this …

                            What Bulinger has on this constellation where the new star is becoming visible:

                            3. DELPHINUS (The Dolphin)
                            The dead one rising again

                            17. Sagitta (the Arrow)
                            Aquila (the Eagle)
                            Delphinus (the Dolphin)

                            This is a bright cluster of 18 stars, five of which are of the 3rd magnitude. It is easily distinguished by the four brightest, which are in the head.
                            It is always figured as a fish full of life, and always with the head upwards, just as the eagle is always with the head downwards. The great peculiar characteristic of the dolphin is its rising up, leaping, and springing out of the sea.

                            When we compare this with the dying goat and falling eagle, what conclusion can we come to but that we have here the filling in of the picture, and the completion of the whole truth set forth in CAPRICORNUS?

                            Jesus "died and rose again." Apart from His resurrection His death is without result. In His conflict with the enemy it is only His coming again in glory which is shown forth. But here, in connection with His people, with the multitudes of His redeemed, Resurrection is the great and important truth. He is "the first-fruits of them that slept"; then He, too, is here represented as a fish. He who went down into the waters of death for His people; He who could say "All thy waves and thy billows are gone over me" (Psa 42:7), He it is who rises up again from the dead, having died on account of the sins of His redeemed, and risen again on account of their justification (Rom 4:25).

                            The ancient names connected with this constellation are Dalaph (Hebrew), pouring out of water; Dalaph (Arabic),coming quickly; Scalooin (Arabic), swift (as the flow of water); Rotaneb or Rotaneu (Syriac and Chaldee), swiftly running.

                            I hold to the idea that in the book of Jonah Jesus is the fish (and possibly why the fish was an early Christian symbol.)
                            That Jonah died in the fish’s belly and was resurrected upon his being spit out. The idea is foreshadow of us dying and rising
                            Again in Christ as Jonah in the fish’s belly. This constellation in my head is a reminder of that.


                            • Re: Signs in the heavens

                              I just heard about the constellation alignment in Sept 2017 a few days ago. Quite fascinating and interesting! This along with the blood moon dates coming up, the Star of David alignment in July (the last time it appeared was the end of world war II) and now Delphinus, there just has to be something to it. Only God knows for sure exactly what it all means to Him. Sure makes me smile thinking of some possibilities


                              • Re: Signs in the heavens

                                I think we have too many pinned threads - going to unpin this one.
                                It's pretty easy to do a forum search if something comes up that someone wants to post in this thread. Just put in, "Signs in the heavens" (quotes included) and you'll find this thread.

