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Prophetic Implications: Signs in the heavens

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  • Re: Signs in the heavens

    Originally posted by Butterfly View Post
    Same day as the 5 planet alignment with Elenin with Elenin is as close as it is to earth. Same day as Obama goes to Denver International Airport. And Massive terror exercise planned for Denver metro area tomorrow.

    I'm just saying.
    Butterfly, I seen a list on a video of various agencies/nasa/scientists with various specialties that were to be in Denver for various conferences/reasons at that time too. I should have hung on it but discarded it because they were talking about this report, which I was suspicious of when I read it, then clicked on the source and see it was info from Sorcha Faal (Known disnfo).

    This what that report said but this I do not believe since Sorcha is known for disinfo.

    A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport.

    Under the SALT I Strategic Nuclear Arms Control Agreement signed between Russia and the US, both parties are required to notify the other in all cases of such maximum readiness drills occurring, but are not required to state their reasons for doing so.
    anyhow I'm looking for that list again so I can check out the other claims about all those scientists etc.. being in Denver too, if you run across anything, post it.
    Last edited by Debbie W.; 09-23-2011, 12:19 PM.


    • Re: Signs in the heavens

      Elenin Removes Her Mask, Breath Taking


      • Re: Signs in the heavens

        Debbie, I was looking at videos last night, where on 9/20 this body showed next to the sun in a bunch of cities all over the world. I have to find them again. I found the one in pakistan. Don't know if you've seen these before.
        That alignment is coming up pretty quick, on Tuesday. I just wonder if next week is going to be quiet, boring and uneventful.

        OMG! Cheyenne Mountain cancels military leave for 9 27 2011 Elenin killshot.flvmirrored


        • Re: Signs in the heavens

          I'm putting this latest Firecharger video here under Signs in the Heavens because Andy Firecharger talks about Elenin and I don't want to sound like a broken record on the main forum.

          Uploaded by firecharger on Sep 23, 2011


          • Re: Signs in the heavens

            Originally posted by Debbie W. View Post
            Butterfly, I seen a list on a video of various agencies/nasa/scientists with various specialties that were to be in Denver for various conferences/reasons at that time too. I should have hung on it but discarded it because they were talking about this report, which I was suspicious of when I read it, then clicked on the source and see it was info from Sorcha Faal (Known disnfo).

            This what that report said but this I do not believe since Sorcha is known for disinfo.

            anyhow I'm looking for that list again so I can check out the other claims about all those scientists etc.. being in Denver too, if you run across anything, post it.

            Uploaded by TheEagle597 on Sep 23, 2011

            Uploaded by 1776FreedomFighters on Sep 23, 2011
            As of today Sept 23 2011, Operation Mountain Guardian is being fully implemented. This is a terrorism-based, full scale emergency "drill" which over 81 agencies will be involved in including: FEMA, NASA, DHS, EPA, FBI, and many military and local police groups etc.. Interestingly enough, world leaders ranging from the US Congress, UK Parliament, The Pres. of Germany, the Pope, Bill Gates to Barack Obama will be on either "vacation" or "recess" on average from Sept 25 - Oct 10. Could this have a tie with Comet Elenin which will be in full allignment on Sept 27 with Mercury, Earth, and the Sun which is well documented to have caused natural disasters in the past?

            MUST SEE LINKS:

            Obama Ordered To Denver Bunker By US Military

            Major Terrorism Drill "Operation Mountain Guardian" In Denver Near Elenin Alignment Dates

            Planetary Alignments with Comet Elenin Causing Big Earthquakes

            ******** Covers Operation Mountain Guardian

            Martial Law Drill Commences as Economy Begins Descent


            • Re: Signs in the heavens


              The last two links have *'s in them and won't work?


              • Re: Signs in the heavens

                Originally posted by John H. View Post

                The last two links have *'s in them and won't work?

                Try this John.


                • Re: Signs in the heavens

                  Try this John.
                  Thanks, Butterfly, but I was able to get the links, after all, from the Youtube video links, outside of Weekend.

                  This Fox report, you just posted, was uploaded on 9-22, and seemed to indicate the one day exercise was to be the next day? So, does that mean this portion is already over?


                  • Re: Signs in the heavens

                    Uploaded by KijaniAmariAK on Sep 26, 2011

                    Mystery surrounds deadly explosion in Argentina

                    Argentines probe reports of blast from fireball

                    Wed. Sept 28 PALESTINIANS wait to here from UN
                    U.N. Security Council to send Palestinian state bid to admissions committee

                    There is alot going on this week...keep looking up!!

                    YAH BLESS


                    • Re: Signs in the heavens

                      NASA To Make Announcement On Near-Earth Asteroids

                      "The conference takes place on the same week that a 13-metre-wide asteroid, named SE58, is scheduled to pass within 0.6 Lunar Distances of Planet Earth. SE58′s approach occurs on Tuesday 27 September 2011."



                      • Re: Signs in the heavens

                        EARTHQUAKE'S COMET ELENIN =TRUE (uploaded 9-21-11)


                        • Re: Signs in the heavens

                          Originally posted by John H. View Post
                          EARTHQUAKE'S COMET ELENIN =TRUE (uploaded 9-21-11)

                          John, what I do not understand is how tetrahedrons have anything to do with it, can you explain? I'm not trying to say anything bad about it, just trying to understand because the video he is using is mine (I am the sugarbear friend he mentioned). I do have a hard time understanding him in the written word, and I was hoping he would explain why/how tetrahedrons fit into the picture but he didn't.

                          The original

                          Last edited by Debbie W.; 09-27-2011, 07:41 PM.


                          • Re: Signs in the heavens

                            Originally posted by Debbie W. View Post
                            John, what I do not understand is how tetrahedrons have anything to do with it, can you explain? I'm not trying to say anything bad about it, just trying to understand because the video he is using is mine (I am the sugarbear friend he mentioned). I do have a hard time understanding him in the written word, and I was hoping he would explain why/how tetrahedrons fit into the picture but he didn't.
                            Debbie, how wild that I would stumble upon this using your video. Did you post this on Weekend? If so, I didn't see it, which is not unusual for me!

                            Here is another video that explains it:

                            "tetrahedral shield" (which we discovered only last week) -- that is apparently protecting "Elenin the spacecraft" (deep inside this shield) from excess solar radiation.


                            • Re: Signs in the heavens

                              Originally posted by John H. View Post
                              Debbie, how wild that I would stumble upon this using your video. Did you post this on Weekend? If so, I didn't see it, which is not unusual for me!

                              Here is another video that explains it:

                              "tetrahedral shield" (which we discovered only last week) -- that is apparently protecting "Elenin the spacecraft" (deep inside this shield) from excess solar radiation.

                              No I didn't post it here is why you didn't see it. Everyone I showed it to said it was just camera flare except Beano, he was excited lol. Thanks for the video explaining. I'll have to watch it later as I need to run for a bit.

                              I thought what are the chances of that happening when I saw it posted here by you lol


                              • Re: Signs in the heavens

                                Nasa has Elenin on Stereo B tonite! Pole Shift 5 degrees Now!

                                Uploaded by MrCometwatch on Sep 27, 2011

                                Elenin tonight! Still In Alignment, Magnetic North shifting Over Night. See barrowcanyon in the main comments page.The object known as ELEnin is not a comet but is infact the binary twin to our Sun and is a small Neutron Star variant that is very rare in the universe and therefore is unknown to science. Phoenix3333


