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Prophetic Implications: Signs in the heavens

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    Re: Signs in the heavens

    Recent Earth-passing asteroid 'civilization-killing monster in disguise

    2012 LZ1 may not have been a danger, but much of the concern was rooted in the late warning of its detection - the asteroid was spotted only four days before closest approach.
    One of the reasons for its late discovery is because it was detected in Southern Hemisphere skies, part of the world were we have few asteroid-watching programs. If it had been on a collision course with Earth, a few days notice is no time at all.

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    Re: Signs in the heavens

    Double sunspot flare which flattened Earth's magnetic field leads to aurora borealis spotted over the U.S. as far south as Nebraska and Iowa

    The sun is entering an unusually heavy period of solar activity, and the poor planet Earth is bearing the brunt of it.

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    Re: Signs in the heavens

    NASA’s Voyager 1 Spacecraft sends back data from the edge of our Solar System

    Voyager scientists looking at this rapid rise draw closer to an inevitable but historic conclusion – that humanity’s first emissary to interstellar space is on the edge of our solar system.

    Humanity escapes the solar system: Voyager 1 signals that it has reached the edge of interstellar space - 11billion miles away

    The Voyager 1, built by Nasa and launched in 1977 has spent the last 35 years steadily increasing its distance from Earth, and is now now 17,970,000,000km - or 11,100,000,000miles - away, travelling at 10km a second.
    Indications over the last week implies that Voyager 1 is now leaving the heliosphere - the last vestige of this solar system.

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  • wendyj
    Re: Signs in the heavens

    falling angel?

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    Re: Signs in the heavens

    Large meteor shoots across Northern Ohio skies, seen from Wooster, Perry and Circleville

    The shooting star was observed across portions of Ohio, Southern Ontario, Western Pennsylvania, Ohio & West Virginia.

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    Re: Signs in the heavens

    A Massive X5.4 Solar Flare on March 7th Broke Sun Storm Record/ Signs in the Sun! (June 13, 2012)

    Published on Jun 13, 2012 by adrinilinjunky

    A massive Solar Flare that exploded from the solar surface in March unleashed the highest-energy light ever seen during a sun eruption, scientists say.On March 7, the sun let loose a massive X5.4 solar flare during its biggest outburst in five years. NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope saw an unusually long-lasting pulse of gamma rays; a form of light with even greater energies than X-rays — produced by the flare.At the flare's peak, the gamma rays that were emitted from the sun were 2 billion times more energetic than visible light, making it a record-setting detection during or immediately after any previously seen solar flare, researchers said. In fact, as the flare erupted, the sun briefly became the brightest object in the gamma-ray sky.

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    Re: Signs in the heavens

    ANOTHER CME: On June 14th, for the second day in a row, sunspot AR1504 erupted and hurled a CME toward Earth. The fast-moving (1360 km/s) cloud is expected to hit our planet's magnetic field on June 16th

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    Re: Signs in the heavens

    Black hole 'evicted' from host galaxy?

    CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 4 (UPI) -- U.S. astronomers say they've seen evidence a massive black hole is being ejected from its host galaxy at several million miles per hour.
    Read more:

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  • Andy
    Re: Signs in the heavens

    Thanks, John - I've un-hid that original post.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Signs in the heavens

    Originally posted by Andy View Post
    Hi John,
    Do you have a source URL for the quote you placed in your post? We'll need that to cover ourselves legally - otherwise I'll have to hide this post. (sorry)
    Sorry, Andy, just now seeing your post!

    Here is a good explanation by NASA but of course they are using the term "heat" in gigawatts of energy vs. electricity but they explain it could provide energy for the whole City of NY for 2 years!

    The following site gives one the nuts and bolts of the "Electric Universe" theory!

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    Re: Signs in the heavens

    Eclipse This Weekend - May 20, 2012

    Published on May 16, 2012 by Sheilaaliens
    Video was produced by NASA, I simply made my own version reading the same exact narration. Problem? xD Original vid:

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  • Andy
    Re: Signs in the heavens

    Originally posted by John H. View Post
    Very informative article on the science of it! I am an electric universe guy and think it is all plasma disruptions! Regardless,
    Hi John,
    Do you have a source URL for the quote you placed in your post? We'll need that to cover ourselves legally - otherwise I'll have to hide this post. (sorry)

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    Re: Signs in the heavens

    Solar poles to become quadrupolar in May
    The Yomiuri Shimbun

    Magnetic field polarity at the solar poles will reverse and become quadrupolar in May, meaning positive fields will emerge in the North and South poles and negative fields will emerge on the equator, according to the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and other institutes.

    When a similar phenomenon occurred about 300 years ago, the Earth's average temperature fell slightly.

    A research team led by Saku Tsuneta, a professor at the observatory, analyzed solar magnetic fields data using Hinode, an observational satellite, and confirmed that the polarity of the magnetic field at the North Pole began to reverse in July last year.

    The researchers also found the magnetic field at the South Pole, which was expected to reverse along with the North Pole, maintained a positive polarity, ensuring the formation of a quadrupole magnetic field.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Signs in the heavens

    Very informative article on the science of it! I am an electric universe guy and think it is all plasma disruptions! Regardless,

    A recent paper [published in February in the journal Space Weather] tried to estimate the chance of having a repeat of 1859 and came up with a value of a 12% chance of it happening in the next 10 years. That's quite a high risk.

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    Re: Signs in the heavens

    Very informative read,6214500.story

    Space weather expert has ominous forecast

    Mike Hapgood, who studies solar events, says the world isn't prepared for a truly damaging storm. And one could happen soon.

    By Amina Khan, Los Angeles Time
    May 4, 2012, 7:26 p.m.

    A stream of highly charged particles from the sun is headed straight toward Earth, threatening to plunge cities around the world into darkness and bring the global economy screeching to a halt.

    This isn't the premise of the latest doomsday thriller. Massive solar storms have happened before — and another one is likely to occur soon, according to Mike Hapgood, a space weather scientist at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, England.

    Much of the planet's electronic equipment, as well as orbiting satellites, have been built to withstand these periodic geomagnetic storms. But the world is still not prepared for a truly damaging solar storm, Hapgood argues in a recent commentary published in the journal Nature.
    Last edited by Butterfly; 05-05-2012, 11:41 PM. Reason: forgot link

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