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Prophetic Implications: Signs in the heavens

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  • Re: Signs in the heavens

    Fiery 'Meteorite' Falls From the Sky Over Cuzco, Peru - Aug. 25, 2011


    • Re: Signs in the heavens

      Discovered: Stars as Cool as the Human Body
      August 24, 2011

      Scientists using data from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) have discovered six "Y dwarfs"-- star-like bodies with temperatures as cool as the human body.

      The Y's are the coldest members of the brown dwarf family.

      So far, WISE data have revealed 100 new brown dwarfs. Of these, six are classified as cool Y's



      • Re: Signs in the heavens

        Astronomers report seeing supermassive black hole swallowing star

        For the first time, astronomers say they've borne witness to a supermassive black hole consuming a star.



        • Re: Signs in the heavens

          JUst wanted to tell you about an Iphone Ap I had. Cant remember if I have told about it. Called Pocket Universe and one can point their iphone at the night sky and see what they are looking at. Today when I was doing so I saw an unnamed comet near virgo and wondered if it was our Elenin? I love to go out late when I cant sleep and point my iphone at stars and constellations and planets and try to learn them. I also find myself praising God as the heavens declare His handiwork. Its very dark --no lights where I am and I am privileged to look at a dimond sky at night and I know Who made it.



          • Re: Signs in the heavens

            Hi Wendy,

            On my Samsung Galaxy, I did find an already installed app comparable to your "Pocket Universe" app called, "Space Junk." Funny thing is that my S-I-L helped me find it a few months back, and I completely forgot about it. So, I'm good to go!


            • Re: Signs in the heavens

              Can you see Virgo now in real time? Do you have Stellarium to compare the Constellation Virgo as we approach September 29 when she gives birth to Venus on Rosh HaShana? With the moon at her feet and the sun in her hair. The beginning of this video shows more signs in the heavens occurring right afterward, meteors and constellation Hydra which is the second part of Revelation 12 where the dragon draws 1/3 of the stars down on Virgo on October 8, Yom Kippur. Incidentally, that's when Elenin begins to cross Earth's path ahead of her.

              I also read somewhere Elenin is supposed to appear as one of the stars on her crown?

              I think these heavenly bodies are signs from the Lord as He speaks to us through His creation. Not judgments but signs. Also supposedly the last time Constellation Virgo appeared with the planets and sun in the same position was 120 years ago.

              Can anyone map Virgo on Stellarium as you watch it on your apps to see if she appears as forecasted?



              • Re: Signs in the heavens

                SO MUCH FOR DOOMSDAY: Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1), widely known for inaccurate reports of its threat to Earth, appears to be breaking apart.



                • Re: Signs in the heavens

                  Originally posted by Debbie W. View Post
                  SO MUCH FOR DOOMSDAY: Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1), widely known for inaccurate reports of its threat to Earth, appears to be breaking apart.

                  Ok I may just be a contrarian but now I got one eye on it lol. Why did it break up? what’s the orbit of the pieces?? It was heading away from the sun at this point right?


                  • Re: Signs in the heavens

                    Originally posted by Boston View Post
                    Ok I may just be a contrarian but now I got one eye on it lol. Why did it break up? what’s the orbit of the pieces?? It was heading away from the sun at this point right?
                    my mistake, she still has 10 days to closest point to the sun.


                    • Re: Signs in the heavens

                      Elenin explodes - MASSIVE explosion DISINTEGRATES comet Elenin BREAKING FOOTAGE
                      Uploaded by PropheticSeerChannel on Aug 31, 2011
                      Last edited by Butterfly; 09-01-2011, 10:58 PM.


                      • Re: Signs in the heavens

                        Comet Elenin Breaks Up Right? But ISS Nov Evacuation For Lack of Food?

                        Uploaded by BadWolfDaVinci on Aug 31, 2011

                        Talk about your coincidences right, the time when the Earth is to pass into the now broken Elenin just so happens to be the same month where NASA will have to Evacuate the space station for the first time in history. It will be unman for the first time ever, Wow...


                        • Re: Signs in the heavens

                          BREAKING NEWS - tonight ELENIN EXPLODES debunked!

                          Uploaded by PropheticSeerChannel on Aug 31, 2011


                          • Re: Signs in the heavens

                            ELENIN WAS NOT AFFECTED BY JUPITER..

                            Elenin is definitely close enough to see and I think she's still out there in one piece, but did she make a course change? We'll see in the days ahead. Interesting this footage was release the same day the media reports the space station will be evacuated at the time Elenin crosses Earth's orbit? They should probably evacuate in October!


                            • Re: Signs in the heavens

                              Good Videos Butterfly!

                              I think the last one is saying that the turn we are seeing is it's path back around the Sun. If you look at it's position on the JPL site it shows up pretty well as to where it should be on its path. As the previous video shows, also, Jupiter is very far away to cause much influence. I am not an astrophysicist and can't say for certain but the Comet or whatever it is, seems to still be on path according to those watching?

                              Yes, it very curious that the space station may end up being empty during this period? I am so glad we put all of our trust in the Russians, who don't seem to have a backup plan for this situation except for abandonment, if not only temporally? And according to the Fox interview of the former astronaut, this was not decided under Obama to do away with the shuttle program but instead under Bush! All of our former astronauts must be beating their heads against the wall.

                              Of course, this could have all been purposefully orchestrated to make sure the space station would be empty during this "close encounter"?


                              • Re: Signs in the heavens

                                Elenin...things that make you go hmmm. lol Good video's Butterfly

