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On Israel, Harper stands alone at G8 summit

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  • On Israel, Harper stands alone at G8 summit

  • #2
    Re: On Israel, Harper stands alone at G8 summit

    oh how this makes my heart so heavy. The pressure that Netanyahu and Harper must be under and the demonic oppression. Please to our American friends, pray for our country and for Stephen Harper that he would stand fast and not lose heart or waiver. Pray that we as a country will drop this two state solution in butchering Israel. Pray that God will guide our PM with wise council and that he will listen. It is my hope that Canada will be a protector and friend to Israel in these last days before Rapture. One day no one will stand with her and that day is soon coming.

    “Canada is clearly at one extreme end of a continuum on the Israel issue, but we are not an outlier,” said John Kirton, the director of the G8 Research Group at the University of Toronto..."

    Interesting that Cameron--also conservative is solidly pro Arab. Pray for England that the spirit of anti-semitism will be struck down. That Cameron will change his mind in this apostate nation that once knew the truth and sent missionaries throughout the globe.

    We also need to ramp up prayers for Godly candidates for the US election and the over throwing of BO and his radicals.

    We are gap-standers.


