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Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

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  • Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

    He is up against the world...and the leader of the pack today !

  • #2
    Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

    I am praying!



    • #3
      Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

      Anyone else here have a feeling that something really terrible is about to happen to this country?
      I have been feeling really uneasy since I heard about Obama's speech.


      • #4
        Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

        Praying. Me, too, Humble.
        Last edited by blessed; 05-20-2011, 10:53 AM. Reason: Because I can't type.


        • #5
          Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

          Lifting him up in prayer as he enters the lion's den today......


          • #6
            Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

            Saturday and Sunday I have been burdened for him.


            • #7
              Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

              HA! Netenyahu tells Obama that "It's not going to happen".
              Love it.


              • #8
                Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

                I love it too, Humble, but this is what I just wrote in an email to some folks:

                This, by the way, was also what we fore-saw when I said, “You couldn’t pay me enough to join the military with Obama as the leader – knowing some day he could be ordering me to attack the land of Israel.” Wow….here we are. Remember that God has already spoken AGAINST those that would seek to divide Jerusalem and the land of Israel (in general). He has WARNED us that He will DESTROY the nations that rise up against Israel.
                Will our military actually be called to side with the Muslim world against Israel? Sure seems that way, doesn't it?

                I'm so glad I'm not in the USAF today...I would probably have retired in 2005 anyway but if I'd decided to stay in I think I would have asked to retire in 2008 when this man came to the White House.


                • #9
                  Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

                  I told my 11 year old son the same thing. I said that I didn't want to see him join the military, because sometime soon, we would probably go against Israel which is the same as going against God.
                  I'm not sure he understands all the ramifications, but I think he got the gist of it.

                  (Not entirely convinced we'll be around come his draft age, but we'll see)


                  • #10
                    Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

                    Praying as well. Bibi stuck to his guns and the president had to hear it as it was on film, but I doubt it made any difference to Osama...I mean Obama


                    • #11
                      Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

                      Continuing to pray for Bibi and Israel!

                      We know scripture says the world will be against them but we need to continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the Israeli people!

                      Bumping this thread back to the top!
                      Psalm 63:3 Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise You.


                      • #12
                        our prayers have been answered...

                        Netanyahu's poll numbers jump after US visit

                        Israeli public opinion polls showed Prime Minister Benjamin Netayahu and his Likud Party reaping the benefits of his tension-filled visit to Washington this week.

                        A poll carried out by Israeli survey company Dialogue showed that 51 percent of Israelis approve of Netanyahu's leadership, up from 38 percent last month.



                        • #13
                          Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

                          Letter to Netanyahu. I typed into a tiny box to the PM on the Israeli govt site.
                          Its hard tying an email in a tiny box--here is what I wrote.

                          Honourable Mr. Netanyahu:

                          I want to congratulate you on a fine speech to the American Congress. I am a Canadian and I am glad to have our PM Stephen Harper stand behind Israel. That was why I voted for him once more. I am sad that President Obama is not a friend of Israel. I do not believe his double speak.

                          Mr. Netanyahu, I pray for you as standing alone in the world with the pressure on you, it must be insurmountable sometimes. I have been reading my Bible and I love the Tanach. I read about the Assyrians attacking Judah right up to Jerusalem and how Hezekiah took council from Micah and Isaiah and he called the people to the Lord and told them to be strong and of good courage. I see Psalm 83 looming up on Israel and plead with the Lord that Israel will turn to Him. He Yaweh has been a stronghold in my life and Nahum 1:7 tells me that He is good, that He is a stronghold in times of trouble, and knows those who take refuge in Him. Psalm 20 tells me that some trust in horses and chariots but those who trust in the LORD will rise up and stand firm. I encourage you to read this Psalm Sir as it will comfort you . I know you have a love for Tanach and may our LORD give you strength. I wrote my Prime Minister a letter this week encouraging Him to discard the two state solution as it wont work, but that Arab Palestinians be given Jordan as a place for them to go and settle. It will call their bluff. Really peace will only come to the region when Messiah comes and He will come when Israel calls for Him.

                          I went to Israel in 2005 just for a fun vacation to lie in the sun and climb on ruins--but it changed my life forever. My flippant attitude changed and God burdened my heart for this land of His, the land of promise that He gave to Abraham , Isaac and Jacob. While I live, I will pray for you and for Israel that you will be strong and of good courage because you have put your trust in your God--the strong deliverer.


                          • #14
                            Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

                            Very good Wendy. Just what I'd want Netanyahu to hear.


                            • #15
                              Re: Let's pray for Bibi/Israel today

                              Just beautiful, Wendy!

