"Despite the many changes -- or perhaps because of the many changes -- that are taking place in the region, it's more vital than ever that both Israelis and Palestinians find a way to get back to the table and begin negotiating a process whereby they can create ... two states that are living side by side in peace and security," Obama said.
"The United States has an enormous stake in this," he stressed. It's part of a larger push for political and economic reform designed to meet "the aspirations of young people throughout the Arab world."
"Some of the old structures that were inhibiting their ability to progress have to be reworked," he said.
"The United States has an enormous stake in this," he stressed. It's part of a larger push for political and economic reform designed to meet "the aspirations of young people throughout the Arab world."
"Some of the old structures that were inhibiting their ability to progress have to be reworked," he said.