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Blood Donation Request

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  • Blood Donation Request

    This is for a young friend of mine who I have known since she was a very little girl. She is a sister in the LORD. Prayers and/or Blood donation will be greatly appreciated. Sunday is battling cancer.

    Sunday Muylaine Lauderdale Foster: My blood levels are at Transfuision level again and decreasing daily. I'm asking if anyone could donate blood once again hopefully this will be the last time. My Dr is going to transfusion me before my SUrgrey on the 11th which was sch. this morning. He said all you have to do is say that your there for a Direct donation and that should be enough. if you could please pass this along my family and myself would always thank you. There going to do a full Hsterectomy along with removing the tumors and polypos. If you can help thank you even the prayers help.

    ANywhere in Texas Just tell them your there for a direct donate for me care of St David Hospitasl in Georgetown, Tx for the 11th under the care Of Dr. V. Sherman!

    God Bless you all and thank you (((HUGS)))

    Please if you can get the word out to your friends and family in Texas. Thanks
    Last edited by Dove; 02-25-2011, 06:49 PM.