First time this week .. I have this half hour window to catch some tee vee news. The local Fox affiliate carries Fox News Sunday. I actually planned around seeing this this morning so I could see what there is to see about Egypt and the ME.
WHAT'S ON??!!! $tupid football! The WHOLE DAY will be filled with it and all of it's attendent ENTERTAINMENT! arghhhh .... contracts for players .. WHO CARES??! Hit's to the head?? Give me a break! It's football!! Hellllooo?
Ok .. I'm done with my rant on America's fascintation with the entertainment idol ...
Issachar .. has on tee vee in case some news comes on the NEWS SHOW ... over heard, "Why 18 games? Doesn't that increase the risk of injury?" NO! 300 lb. guys crashing into each other as hard as they can, on purpose, NEVER poses a risk of injury ..
WHAT'S ON??!!! $tupid football! The WHOLE DAY will be filled with it and all of it's attendent ENTERTAINMENT! arghhhh .... contracts for players .. WHO CARES??! Hit's to the head?? Give me a break! It's football!! Hellllooo?
Ok .. I'm done with my rant on America's fascintation with the entertainment idol ...
Issachar .. has on tee vee in case some news comes on the NEWS SHOW ... over heard, "Why 18 games? Doesn't that increase the risk of injury?" NO! 300 lb. guys crashing into each other as hard as they can, on purpose, NEVER poses a risk of injury ..
