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Mideast Quartet Says Egypt Makes Peace Progress Vital

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  • Mideast Quartet Says Egypt Makes Peace Progress Vital

    Demonstrations in Egypt and other Mideast countries make progress in peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians crucial, European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said today.

    The Quartet said in a statement it will discuss the impact of protests in Egypt on the peace process as a “matter of high priority.”

    ‘Act Now’

    The administration of President Barack Obama has been stepping up pressure on the two sides to resume talks, with Clinton on Jan. 10 calling on Israelis and Palestinians to “act now.”

  • #2
    Re: Mideast Quartet Says Egypt Makes Peace Progress Vital

    lol they know neither side is really going to move in the direction they are dictating. They must be thinking it will take a major shove by the world.
    Both sides are trying to maneuver themselves into the position they get to keep all of Israel. I suspect that is reasoning behind Bibi trying to make Palestinian lives better without crossing his orders from God/the Bible.
    Take the Palestinians. They believe they have the momentum going with them. And the attitudes in the wold tend to say they are right.....but God.
    Last edited by SAT; 02-05-2011, 02:13 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Mideast Quartet Says Egypt Makes Peace Progress Vital

      With Egypt(for that matter large portions of the Arab world) in turmoil + their beliefs Israel is the key= that shove must be looking really good.


      • #4
        Re: Mideast Quartet Says Egypt Makes Peace Progress Vital

        Doesn't Israel have some growing to do, as in the Bible, before it enters the trib???
        lol I know questions questions questions.
        Sorry but these are the things that go through my head and I hope and pray you guys don't mind.
        Last edited by SAT; 02-05-2011, 02:42 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Mideast Quartet Says Egypt Makes Peace Progress Vital

          What kind of growing SAT?


          • #6
            Re: Mideast Quartet Says Egypt Makes Peace Progress Vital


            Munich - The Middle East peace process should not get distracted by the turmoil in the Arab world and seek to reach a two-state settlement between Israel and the Palestinian territories by September, officials from the Middle East Quartet said on Saturday.

            The Quartet reiterated its support for concluding negotiations 'by September 2011' and expressed regret at the 'discontinuation of Israel's ten month moratorium on settlement activity.' Israel has been alarmed by the latest unrest in neighbouring Egypt, one of its few allies in the region, fearing that it could lead to the establishment of an Islamic state on its doorstep.

            The Quartet agreed to meet again in the middle of March. Before that, Quartet envoys would meet separately with negotiators from Israel and the Palestinian territory on March 1 or 2 in Brussels, Ashton said.

            The Quartet responded to calls by chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat to recognize the 1967 borders of a future Palestinian state, saying negotiations should lead 'to an outcome that ends the occupation that began in 1967 and resolves all permanent status issues, in order to end the conflict and achieve a two-state solution.'


            • #7
              Re: Mideast Quartet Says Egypt Makes Peace Progress Vital


              Quartet refuses to endorse unilateral state; PA upset


              • #8
                Re: Mideast Quartet Says Egypt Makes Peace Progress Vital

                Hi cnav

                Now I'm not an expert and I don't claim to know the answers but I can accept the thought the theories that have been placed before us in the past may not be completely correct as there are frequently verses that would seem to contradict these theories. I'm not trying to put down those great commentaries but I do know they couldn't have understood or seen the things we who are living now, can see in the Bible and our world. Now I know this statement could get me in trouble but I hope everyone will understand.
                Many thought we would be gone by now, because they thought the west was tooooo Christian to be left here.
                Some even had trouble seeing that Israel would be a country again. And that the OWG would only be purposed after we were gone. They were wrong.
                I do know the verses that say they have divided my land but I also see the flip side and flip verses. The promises of God that He will never allow their enemies to push them off the land again
                So how do reconcile these two thoughts.
                To me, it is very possible the land has already been divided.
                Why growth?
                There is the obvious Gaza, the West Bank and the Temple Mount.
                One of the things that hits me about this is the fact Petra is in Jordan. Remember God's promise to the Jews.How can He keep His promise and yet allow them to run to a foreign country for safety?????
                In the past I have also heard some say Israel hasn't been totally restored. If true, there is that possibility that could also be another door for God to use.
                Like I say cnav I'm not an expert and don't claim to devine revelation. I just like to keep the door open as to how God will do this. Question and try very hard to keep all the verses in mind. And question some more. Hopefully I will have the wisdom to just let God do what He is going to do and just stand in awe of how He fulfills all the verses without breaking a single one.


                • #9
                  Re: Mideast Quartet Says Egypt Makes Peace Progress Vital

                  I know, I read your posts faithfully. And respect your opinion and thoughts


                  • #10
                    Re: Mideast Quartet Says Egypt Makes Peace Progress Vital

                    Question and try very hard to keep all the verses in mind. And question some more. Hopefully I will have the wisdom to just let God do what He is going to do and just stand in awe of how He fulfills all the verses without breaking a single one.
                    Re: Jordan I know the Edomites. Moabites and children of Ammon escape the AC's graps (present day Jordan)

                    Daniel 11:41He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.

                    I am curious when the land was divided before that Daniel 11:39 and Joel 3:1,2 could refer to. I would like to take a look at a different perspective.

                    SAT or anyone else that feels the land was previously divided and it could not be a reference to today's division re: a PA State I would appreciate further insights from Scripture to take a look at different thoughts.

                    I feel as Ezekiel mentions that the time would come when God calls his people from coast to coast back to the land he gave them...Israel was 1948.........and to divide it up or give up land he called them back to and gave them would not have good consequences and could be the division refered to in the above verses. But, it is just me thinking out loud.

                    It sure seems to be a time spoken of by the Prophet Zechariah when Jerusalem is the burdensome stone and cup of trembling for the world and all nations will come (are coming) against her while at the same time talking of land division.
                    Last edited by cnav; 02-06-2011, 03:37 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Mideast Quartet Says Egypt Makes Peace Progress Vital

                      I hate to do this but I do have run right now. Hopefully I will be able to look them up later and post. I just don't want you to think I am leaving you hanging.

