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"You're Lost" - "The Boxes Told Me"

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  • "You're Lost" - "The Boxes Told Me"

    Have you guys seen the new IBM commercial where the semi-truck is driving down the deserted desert highway and they stop for the lady in the middle of the road sitting behind a desk?

    She's saying the RFID tags told the help desk the truck was lost and going the wrong way. Now from what little I understood about RFID, and I'm pretty tech-savvy, the range wasn't that great. But there must be something here as it is matching the inventory of the shipment and the GPS locator (been doing that for a long time) of the trailer.

    Anybody know more about this? I thought the RFID required rather close excitement by the scanning device. Hmmmm.....

    (post 500? so much for my "I won't be posting too often...")
    Last edited by N1095A; 09-09-2005, 03:18 AM.

  • #2
    Re: "You're Lost" - "The Boxes Told Me"

    well, there is rfid and then there is RFID
    some types of rfid tags can be tracked by satellite....

    """They""" plan to put rfid readers under every freeway overpass on every street corner with manditory rfid's in every every wallet and the AC will have them IN every person.
    Last edited by lewisb; 09-09-2005, 03:25 AM.


    • #3
      Re: "You're Lost" - "The Boxes Told Me"

      RFID readers under every freeway overpass on every street corner
      That's the only thing that makes sense as there's no way a satellite could read an RFID tag on a box from that height.


      • #4
        Re: "You're Lost" - "The Boxes Told Me"

        as the kids say, ""way sis way" the satellite sands out a signal and the rfid chip beeps and is picked up.


        • #5
          Re: "You're Lost" - "The Boxes Told Me"

          I can't believe it can echo back that far. If it was an active transmitter maybe, but it's passive. Need to see some technical articles on it. I might be surprised.


          • #6
            Tracked Society

            Yes..we are very much on our way to being a tracked society.

            We have chips in our state-required license plates that an officer just has to point his "gun" devicey thing at the back of your car even a mile down the road and he has all the info on you.
            "On Star" knows where you are at all times....IF they want to know.
            The toll highways have offered reduced fees for those who purchase pre-paid devices (SunPass, EPass,ComPass, etc.) These track not only your tolls, but where you are and time spent, when on their roads.
            The alert-type bracelets (forget the name) that they are marketing to the elderly that will alert police or medial authorities when they push a button.
            Our credit/bank cards record every purchase made when being used, as well as itemized listing, if needed.
            Satelites that revolve in positions over the earth can read the newspaper print that a man is holding on a street corner. Is there any doubt that "Big Brother" can know whatever they choose????
            Health insurance cards are carrying our entire medical history....for our well-being, of course!
            Devices are being utilized by regular police to "listen" to communications without the old fashioned "bugs."
            They also have Infared devices can track movements inside buildings...
            Many intersections and city buildings have cameras installed that keep "watch."
            And there is much more sophisticated technology that works to track us....

            Is this surprising? Yes and no. Yes...because we expected the beast to initiate this. No...because it makes much more logical sense for the technology to be in place when the beast's time arrives.


            • #7
              Re: "You're Lost" - "The Boxes Told Me"

              Cell phones track where you are unless you turn some feature to off ( but it still lets 911 know ).

              We are indeed heading toward the "mark" society.
              Psalm 63:3 Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise You.


              • #8
                Digital Angel New SatelliteTransceiver

                FAA OKs Digital Angel satellite device
                John Vomhof Jr.
                Staff Writer

                The Federal Aviation Administration has approved Digital Angel Corp.'s new satellite radio transceiver, the company said Thursday.

                The CommPoint 3 Satcom Data Terminal can track a wide variety of international commercial, military aircraft and ground vehicles in any weather condition, even when traditional communication modes are disrupted, according to a press release.

                The CommPoint 3, made by Digital Angel's OuterLink subsidiary, is smaller, lighter and easier to install than its predecessor, the company said.

                "The FAA regulatory approval allows us to offer this product to both international commercial and military customers and utilizes advanced components to track vital equipment in locations and circumstances such as heavy storms or where aircraft are untrackable by radar," Digital Angel CEO Kevin McGrath said in a statement.

                "Because we will be able to address the international and military market, this new product has the potential to drive revenue increases which could be many times OuterLink's existing revenue base," McGrath said.

                OuterLink, based in Lowell, Mass., provides satellite-based mobile asset tracking and data-messaging systems.

                South St. Paul-based Digital Angel (AMEX: DOC) makes animal identification and tracking systems. The company's shares were up 11 cents, or 3.1 percent, to $3.70 in trading Thursday morning.

       | (612) 288-2101


                • #9
                  Re: "You're Lost" - "The Boxes Told Me"

                  They stil cant find Osama the bad Llama.


                  • #10
                    Re: "You're Lost" - "The Boxes Told Me"

                    Is this surprising? Yes and no. Yes...because we expected the beast to initiate this.
                    I didn't. I believe that we will experience a very oppressive, nearly complete, New World Order / One World Order PRIOR to the rapture and 7 year trib. I think that the first, that which is forming now, is for a perceived "safety", "peace", "etc." for themselves (unbelievers) and the latter, after the rapture, will be to actually worship the beast ...

                    That is merely my opinion though.

                    IF this scenerio is even sort of correct, then it follows that my belief concerning this is that Christians NEED to be so close to Jesus, so into His Word, so involved with one another ...

                    Again, IF this scenerio is even sort of close, there likely will not be Christian radio, tee vee, magazines and other publications, internet use, etc. We will be on our own with those we know and fellowship with and our bibles. I've thought all of this since the mid seventies. I've not seen a reason to change my mind yet.

                    Of course, if the rapture happens this afternoon, I'll change my mind.

                    The church is on Earth to save souls from a lost world, not to save the world from lost souls.

                    Man learns about history, not from history. To learn from history requires wisdom. Cut off from God, he has none, so history repeats; no new thing under the sun.

                    I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken - dylan

                    Psalms 122:8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.


                    • #11
                      Re: "You're Lost" - "The Boxes Told Me"

                      All the better reason to print off some articles, etc. I hope that this is going on around the world.

