Fabian Socialism is a synthesizing of capitalism and socialism; basically what even communism eventually comes around to realizing also. Fabian Socialism is very easy enough to know about via the web plus, I've written some about it here and there on this board, with links. So I won't go into it's origins here. But, I do want to point out something in particular, even though I've done it in the past. You'll see why shortly.
First, a picture of the famous Fabian Window, designed by George Bernard Shaw, the famous play writer but less famous, monster. His statements concerning eugenics and the belief that useless humans must all be put to death, make him so.
This window he designed in the early, first years of the 1900's, was in commemoration of the Fabian Society of which he was a member. The window now is in the George Bernard Shaw Library at the London School of Economics which was founded by he and some other Fabians. The school is still thriving today, turning out many of the world's socialist economists. Just an interesting side note: Mick Jagger attended that school and many of his lyrics are historical in nature.

Note across the top of the window. We see the words: REMOULD IT NEARER TO THE HEARTS DESIRE. Remould what? Look below the words and you see two men "remoulding" the world. Note the blatant shield above the earth with the wolf in sheeps clothing. Note across the bottom, a representation of the world's people bowing down to a stack of books representing the philosophies and works of mankind. Note the shield behind the man in red where it says, "PRAY DEVOUTLY; HAMMER STOUTLY." Keep that in mind when you hear "world" leaders mentioning "prayer."
So .. about Rush and Fabianism. REMOULD IT NEARER TO THE HEARTS DESIRE. Then look at a bit of Rush's lyric in their song, "Closer to the Heart."
I think I'm not supposed to post lyrics here, so here is the link to them.
Ok, so that is a lot to get to a possible point. But I wanted to make the (possible) point because the song is SO popular, even still. I hear it just about anywhere I go; most recently, at Walmart. Lyrics get into people's heads without them trying to remember them, especially when heard over and over, for decades.
And then there are their lyrics to the song, "The Trees." Just interesting ...
Issachar, always watching but doesn't always see ..
First, a picture of the famous Fabian Window, designed by George Bernard Shaw, the famous play writer but less famous, monster. His statements concerning eugenics and the belief that useless humans must all be put to death, make him so.
This window he designed in the early, first years of the 1900's, was in commemoration of the Fabian Society of which he was a member. The window now is in the George Bernard Shaw Library at the London School of Economics which was founded by he and some other Fabians. The school is still thriving today, turning out many of the world's socialist economists. Just an interesting side note: Mick Jagger attended that school and many of his lyrics are historical in nature.

Note across the top of the window. We see the words: REMOULD IT NEARER TO THE HEARTS DESIRE. Remould what? Look below the words and you see two men "remoulding" the world. Note the blatant shield above the earth with the wolf in sheeps clothing. Note across the bottom, a representation of the world's people bowing down to a stack of books representing the philosophies and works of mankind. Note the shield behind the man in red where it says, "PRAY DEVOUTLY; HAMMER STOUTLY." Keep that in mind when you hear "world" leaders mentioning "prayer."
So .. about Rush and Fabianism. REMOULD IT NEARER TO THE HEARTS DESIRE. Then look at a bit of Rush's lyric in their song, "Closer to the Heart."
I think I'm not supposed to post lyrics here, so here is the link to them.
Ok, so that is a lot to get to a possible point. But I wanted to make the (possible) point because the song is SO popular, even still. I hear it just about anywhere I go; most recently, at Walmart. Lyrics get into people's heads without them trying to remember them, especially when heard over and over, for decades.
And then there are their lyrics to the song, "The Trees." Just interesting ...
Issachar, always watching but doesn't always see ..