Re: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
I actually said, "you are reaching". You might not have been trying to make connections when the song was being played into you ears, but you came here and asked, "Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?".
In my humble opinion, I think the three members of Rush, based on many years of study, both of their music and personal interviews and other published works, are not 'preaching' anything. The songs, "Closer to the Heart", and "The Trees", are certainly of a "high brow", thinking man's nature, and not your typical Hard Rock lyric. If you read/hear them as I do, they tend to look out for/protect the "little guy", and of course, "The Trees" is about racial male/female equality.
If you read some/all of their other works, you might find the same, "high brow", "thinking man's rock". Of course you'll run into the odd space voyage theme, and of course the song, "I think I'm Going Bald".
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Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
Guest replied
Re: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
Good morning openeyes.
I'm not certain it's a "stretch" but that might just be a matter of semantics. In my mind, a "stretch" is when one is looking for some things to be connected and tries to make them be when at best, they are maybe very loosely connected.
In this case, I wasn't even thinking about it, let alone trying to make any connections. I was merely walking through a Walmart and they had on this song by Rush ... which I have to admit is a big improvement over the so called "elevator music." Without even thinking about it, I heard that opening verse and the thought just popped into my head about the Fabian window. So I came home, looked up the lyrics, looked up the window, and thought ... hmmm. Interesting. That's as far as it went.
There is nothing wrong, per se, with world leaders wanting to make things "better" in the world. The problem with the long term, serious one's, is that they think of themselves as the only truly "enlightened" one's and there is no God above them and it is consequently, in their minds, their responsibility to get the rest of the world (masses) on their agenda. Every ruler in the world just about, had some idea that they were going to "make the world a better place." We see where good intentions without good knowledge has gotten us. Pol Pot thought he had a good idea .. as did Mao and the Bolsheviks and Marx and .... a long, long list.
Originally posted by openeyesI've never picked up that they would prefer 'useless people' dead.
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Guest repliedRe: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
Hmm...gonna have to say that you are reaching on this one. "Closer to the Heart", and "The Trees" both have 'lofty' ideals indeed, but "Fabian Socialism"? I don't think so, at least not according to the definition you've given. The fact that 'men who hold high places', need to be the ones who start to make things work better for everyone else is not really a bad thing. Yes, you are correct, our 'estate' is not in 'this world', but is writing a lyric about making the world a better place worse/as bad as/same thing as 'ridding the world of useless people'?
I admit that I've always been a fan of Rush, and still enjoy their music today. So yes, I've had their lyrics creep into my ears for decades. I've never picked up that they would prefer 'useless people' dead. Does Neil Peart appear/admit to being influenced by 'questionable philosophy'? On that I would agree.
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Re: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
Hi Wendy ..
Brannon points out, at 11:50 to 12:30 in the above clip, the wolf in sheeps clothing and the scripture from Matthew concerning that. As intriguing as this whole window is, to me, that one aspect has intrigued me the most.
This auto-play audio is kind of annoying .. I think I'll edit that out of this thread and just leave the link to the video. I don't know why the video, with it's controls, won't post here.
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Guest repliedRe: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
I still think John Lennon's "imagine" was the greatest song of the epoch, period.......... especially from a socialist humanist viewpoint.......
very sadly, John no longer has to "imagine"
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Re: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
Glad you have the Brannon Howse clip and his website.
I highly recommend people looking into the apologetic teaching of Brannon Howse and his conferences.. He talks about world views and how our culture has changed because of the influence of Fabian Socialists within our education system and everywhere---know John Dewy?
Take his worldview test. This is a rich website for those who want to learn about what is influencing them and their kids. How do we fight this influence 2 Cor 10--cast down wicked imaginations by the truth of God's Word and preach the gospel---its the gospel that brings freedom and salvation.
I also love John Loeffler and Steel on Steel--He uses is on same page as Howse.
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Re: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
Heavy rain gone and back from work ... Jeanie, thanks for this. I didn't realize it was John Loeffler until I just started to listen to the 20 min. version. I like him a lot. I didn't know he had a podcast going on. This is now in my favorites.
I'm old enough to know that 20 years is almost nothing. Children, from the time they start school, to 20 years later, are starting to move into positions of leadership. It may be the local school board or a state representative or some local non-gov activist organization and on, in later years .. not too many more though .. to Senate and Senate committees, etc.
This is why I look so closely at anything in regards to education, that I can. Before children grow up and run things, they first go through some sort of education. That education determines the ideologies that choose to follow or be attached to. That ideology is what determines how they rule, in whatever capacity they are influencing from.
The way the world is today, is the fruit of influential people; people who first were educated by something(s) and someone(s) prior to being influential.
What I can say for certain, is that in America, the education system has been dominated by socialists for over 100 years. (John Loeffler is, at this point, mentioning a book I've posted a couple times on this board; The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. It is, as I've said in other places, very thorough and very well documented.
Issachar, hearing John Loeffler mentioning some good names to follow.
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Re: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
Hey, thanks Jeanie! oopss ... BIG TIME STORM UPON US .. later. ..
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Guest repliedRe: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
I'm not sure about this guy, and I can't even get the thing to play for me, but the description of the topic just screams Issachar to me
Living in Two Worldviews
How is it that American education could have declined so precipitously in the last 50 years, affecting everything from politics to morals to economics, but at the same time educators think everything's just fine?
Moreover, Christian teachers in the public school system switch between the secular worldview of their profession and the biblical one of their faith but never see the problem with being double- minded. What's wrong with this picture?
A pronounced switch in the philosophy of education with its theories of dialectical truth has caused the major disconnect between education and reality.
Today's sole guest, Mitch Wright, traces the history of education from the mid-20th Century forward to uncover the original intent of the educrats who created it. We discover that most of the changes were a planned intent to transform American society into a collectivist socialist utopia.
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Re: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
One of the Fabians KEY methods is infiltration of the indoc .. education system. I looked up a few things from a past thread, about this:
See post #10 here. Also, post #22.
See the quote in post #29 here in conjunction with the quote in post #45 here.
Then, post #80 here.
Ok, there is more in that Transforming America thread than I remembered, concerning the education/indoctrination system.
Issachar, hoping he did this linking thing correctly ..
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Guest repliedRe: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
Originally posted by MoreThanConquerors View PostLOL.
I read the first part of this and thought..."Rush Limbaugh teaching socialism? No!"
Yep, me too!
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Guest repliedRe: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
For those who don't know Rush's song The Trees, the last lines speak of everyone being made equal, forcibly I might add. The song is about trees in a forest if you don't know. Very subtle....I agree with this, as long as Geddy Lee agrees with it. I mean, if he'll give away his millions to make him equal to others around him, giving up 30+ years of hard work and intellectual property. I doubt he will.....
Peart (the drummer) is the lyricist for the band, focusing on social issues since 1980....
I'll give those songs another listen, with this new idea in mind....Last edited by gregstien; 07-27-2010, 08:46 PM.
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Guest repliedRe: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
Wow! I have not heard of Fabian Socialism. I had to go to You Tube to hear these songs. I have never heard them before. The lyrics for The Trees sure speaks loudly, especially the last two verses. :-(
Thanks Issachar for bringing this topic up.Last edited by abiding love; 07-28-2010, 01:35 AM.
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Re: Is Rush Preaching Fabian Socialism?
I know, MTC, I was confused at first too! LOL!
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