By SALLY BUZBEE, Associated Press Writer Thu Sep 1,11:00 PM ET
CAIRO, Egypt - One of the four suicide attackers who bombed London's transit system on July 7 made a dramatic farewell in a videotape broadcast Thursday that also included a warning of more bloodshed from al-Qaida's No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri.
Speaking English, Mohammad Sidique Khan, a Briton of Pakistani ancestry, said Westerners had failed to heed previous warnings, "therefore we will talk to you in a language that you understand. Our words are dead until we give them life with our blood."
The two men did not appear together in the tape — instead, shots of each were edited together — and al-Zawahri did not mention Khan. A newscaster on al-Jazeera, which aired the tape, said Khan's last "will" came as part of a long tape that consisted mostly of al-Zawahri talking.
While their appearance together in an edited tape appeared to show some level of coordination, it would have been more significant had they appeared together in one portion — indicating that al-Zawahri was a hands-on commander who met directly with attackers.
(more at link below)
CAIRO, Egypt - One of the four suicide attackers who bombed London's transit system on July 7 made a dramatic farewell in a videotape broadcast Thursday that also included a warning of more bloodshed from al-Qaida's No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri.
Speaking English, Mohammad Sidique Khan, a Briton of Pakistani ancestry, said Westerners had failed to heed previous warnings, "therefore we will talk to you in a language that you understand. Our words are dead until we give them life with our blood."
The two men did not appear together in the tape — instead, shots of each were edited together — and al-Zawahri did not mention Khan. A newscaster on al-Jazeera, which aired the tape, said Khan's last "will" came as part of a long tape that consisted mostly of al-Zawahri talking.
While their appearance together in an edited tape appeared to show some level of coordination, it would have been more significant had they appeared together in one portion — indicating that al-Zawahri was a hands-on commander who met directly with attackers.
(more at link below)