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To divide Israel, or not to divide Israel -

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  • To divide Israel, or not to divide Israel -

    This is going to be hard for me to articulate properly, but I'll try.

    We have had opinions voiced on this board that in the end days, Israel will again be divided - and that it will never again be divided.

    I'm reasonably certain we will never reach a conclusion that everybody here can agree on, but I'd like to read through everyone's thoughts, and particularly your justifications for those thoughts.


  • #2
    Re: To divide Israel, or not to divide Israel -

    Hi PlumBob
    Personally I don't think you can isolate verses but take an overview of all the verses. There are verses that indicate Israel will be divided, taken into slavery etc etc. And all that has happen. I tend to think Gaza and the West bank is the way of dividing but also keeping the verses of never dividing Jerusalem and scattering again. But never actually giving the land away. How can the Temple be built exactly as God stated if respect for all religions is implicated as we see today?
    As a Christian that believes in the verses that indicate a rapture and God's eye and hand moving back to Israel. It would make sense to me this is when God would completely finish this.
    Like I say I sometimes think in terms of questions. Like what exactly does it mean to have all of God's attention? What has it meant in the past to Israel?
    When the AC enters the Temple why does he immediately attack the Jews in Israel if they are worshipping him? that in spiritual terms would be totally not necessary unless they are rejecting him???? When the Jews run from the AC where do they go? Is it beyond the Israel of God?
    Why does there seem to be a complete awareness of the God of the Jews all through prophecy? They shake their fist at Him specifically and know exactly who He is.
    I know you will get lots of healthy responses but I just wanted to put just some of my thoughts and questions out there.

    If I had to guess I would say the most important to establish first is..
    What exactly does it mean for God to turn His full attention back to Israel? For me and me only, answering that question can be a good foundation to establish what the rest means.
    OK I know I babbled Sorry.
    Last edited by SAT; 11-08-2009, 01:04 PM.


    • #3
      Re: To divide Israel, or not to divide Israel -

      Hummmmm....what if the powers-that-be proposed that Jerusalem be the (one) World Capital?? Maybe, Israel would look a little more favorably on such a proposition???? (Just thinking.....)


      • #4
        Re: To divide Israel, or not to divide Israel -

        Thank you SAT and VickiV - for your thoughtful responses....


        • #5
          Re: To divide Israel, or not to divide Israel -

          Oh PPSS
          No I don't believe Israel/Jerusalem will divided. Not just because of the verses that seem to support this, but also because of the God we see in past and present. Can apply to the future.


          • #6
            Re: To divide Israel, or not to divide Israel -

            Has Israel as a nation been rejoined as in Eze 37:22?


            • #7
              Re: To divide Israel, or not to divide Israel -

              Better still, has Israel EVER occupied ALL of the land promised to Abraham?


              • #8
                Re: To divide Israel, or not to divide Israel -

                Originally posted by JohnR View Post
                Better still, has Israel EVER occupied ALL of the land promised to Abraham?
                Nope - they never did. The first time Israel will live on ALL of the land given to them by God is the Millennial Kingdom.


                • #9
                  Re: To divide Israel, or not to divide Israel -

                  Israel is divided by the Antichrist in Daniel 11:36-39.

                  Already been foretold in Scripture.

