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Markets Oct 2 2009

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  • Markets Oct 2 2009


    Wondering what October may bring ...

    Overseas they're down approximately 2.5% ... I wonder what Oct. 2 in the U.S. will look like.

    The church is on Earth to save souls from a lost world, not to save the world from lost souls.

    Man learns about history, not from history. To learn from history requires wisdom. Cut off from God, he has none, so history repeats; no new thing under the sun.

    I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken - dylan

    Psalms 122:8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.

  • #2
    Re: Markets Oct 2 2009

    Normal. Shot up 172 or so the other day. I just wonder when it's going to break significantly again.

    It hit 9700 or 9800 after being down to 9200 or so in the past week I think.

    Of course some folks may see the selloff and decide to sell too. Push it down a little bit more.

    9400-9900 is the 10-day range on the DOW - just checked


    • #3
      Re: Markets Oct 2 2009

      I'm guessing the PPT has it's work cut out for them today.

      The church is on Earth to save souls from a lost world, not to save the world from lost souls.

      Man learns about history, not from history. To learn from history requires wisdom. Cut off from God, he has none, so history repeats; no new thing under the sun.

      I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken - dylan

      Psalms 122:8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.


      • #4
        Re: Markets Oct 2 2009

        October can be a good month to take profits, cover positions or simple sell short if you are of that school. I remember the Lord leading me in 1987 to cover(sold short) my employee stock purchase plan for that year the week before the crash. That saved me about $6-7000 loss as I recall. The only leading I think I have now is to go against the dollar slowly. Hedge with metals. Buy dips. When I worked at the coin company I had a customer that bought silver on dips and had been doing so for 10-15 years. He had over 20,000 ounces as I recall. Of course he had silver below $4 per ounce too.

        Looks like the internationals are trying to figure out how to unwind out of dollar positions slowly and take the least amount of impact. Yet, lots of talk on Bloomberg and other about the banking issues that may come to a head soon. And commerical real estate - especially after the Christmas selling season with lots of stores to close again leaving plenty on unused spaces in malls and debt structure that will have to be re-financed. And where does that money come from with banks trying to meet minimun cash on hand requirements and fear of a fed takeover?

        Dollar index just took some hits here in the last hour after trying to rally this AM. All the news is bad news here. The bears that are saying the market moved up too fast are probably going to be correct.

        But, our God is in control. What have we to fear?
        He will not loose one of us from his grip.


        • #5
          Re: Markets Oct 2 2009

          Just heard Glenn Beck say, a minute ago, that the dollar is down 20-30 percent in the past 3 months. I know some that say keep dollars, don't buy gold ... well, what did gold do in the past 3 months?

          Originally posted by Reg
          But, our God is in control. What have we to fear?
          He will not loose one of us from his grip.
          Amen; He is sovereign and we have NOTHING to fear. The "flesh" doesn't always know that but so what ... it's dying anyway.

          The church is on Earth to save souls from a lost world, not to save the world from lost souls.

          Man learns about history, not from history. To learn from history requires wisdom. Cut off from God, he has none, so history repeats; no new thing under the sun.

          I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken - dylan

          Psalms 122:8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.


          • #6
            Re: Markets Oct 2 2009

            Silver could out perform Gold in the long run. Complex issues relating to world inventories, mining and anticipated demand. The latest moves in the 2 metals shows silver gains up to 2 times the percentage in run-ups over gold. Recent info in the medical field indicates some interest also.

            Perfect storm for silver brewing as antibiotics substitute--Silver Institute
            Silver may soon replace antibiotics as an alternative for healing, and is increasingly gaining ground in the burgeoning field of nanotechnology.


            Author: Dorothy Kosich
            Posted: Friday , 25 Sep 2009


            The over-prescription of antibiotics and the rapid spread of bacteria globally are creating "a perfect storm for silver," which will encourage even more medical use of the precious metal, Silver Institute Executive Director Mike DiRienzo said Thursday.

            In a presentation to the Silver Summit in Spokane, DiRienzo detailed new and emerging uses for silver, lead by the metal's growing significance in hospitals and the practice of medicine.

            "Currently we're seeing a surge of applications for silver-based biocides in all areas: industrial, commercial and consumer. New products are being introduced almost daily," he said.

            Silver may soon replace antibiotics as an alternative to healing, he explained. The use of silver in medical implants is in the testing phase, such as the use of silver in medical implants to reduce the threat of spinal infections.

            Much longer article on the website.

            Lots of history over thousands of years relating to using silver for this purpose. New technologies coming on this now that will help keep us well as so many antibiotics have been used with the issues associated with antobiotics in the human body.



            • #7
              Re: Markets Oct 2 2009

              I'm not an ecomonics minded person. What little I have learned was motivated by those in this site so this is just my very humble opinion.
              It makes no sense for there to be any safe ports, in this world, for this perfect storm. They are building a system of ultimately controlling everything now. Why would they leave a port or shelter open?


              • #8
                Re: Markets Oct 2 2009

                That is ultimately true SAT. But in the mean time ...

                There are many who choose not to "invest" money but rather, "just hang on to it." What they don't understand is that if they "just hang onto it", that is an investment ..... an investment in something that is losing value rapidly. Buying metals (I should have said that in my other post instead of "gold"; but more people relate to the term; "gold") is not a get rich thing ... it's a stay even or slightly ahead of inflation thing. The gov't/FED can make up all the paper "money" (or ones and zeroes on hard drives) they want and inflate away ... but they cannot make up gold, silver or other actual "money."

                The church is on Earth to save souls from a lost world, not to save the world from lost souls.

                Man learns about history, not from history. To learn from history requires wisdom. Cut off from God, he has none, so history repeats; no new thing under the sun.

                I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken - dylan

                Psalms 122:8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.


                • #9
                  Re: Markets Oct 2 2009


                  Yes there is an effort to ultimately control the world - to build themselves up as gods. We know what happened the last time that was tried at the Tower of Babel. But evidently the storm coming leads us in to the 7 year tribulation period.

                  Well our safe port is always Jesus. We could be killed or other. But we are His forever. He promised us that. Being with Him is the greatest thing - not being here. Now saying that I do not intend to imply that there is not fear and uncertainty in what is coming. We are all concerned and somewhat fearful.

                  But - I believe God and Jesus loves the Christians in the country so much that he will bless us. We may see some difficult things in the near future, but He will pull the Christian message of salvation out in the open for all to see as real and of value to every person on this planet. I believe is is doing that today as the workings of our government and politicians are revealed. People will see Christianity as REAL. And we will see Jesus Christ glorified and lifted up.

                  Or, the option He has is to punish this country greatly - which I hope he does not do obviously.

                  Whatever it is - He will be glorified.

                  Any other safe ports? NO!! But try to gain information to "maintain" your standard of living for your family and protect them the best you can financially, from physical harm and meet daily needs. If we can do that we will likely be ahead of most people.

                  Proverbs 10:13 advises us "wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning..."
                  Some words here could be from "discerning" but we have to let God guide each of us with what we hear or read and how that may apply to our own situtation. In particular I believe words I value should come from the lips of Christian. I read on this site, and I listen to David McAlvany in particular, a Christian, and his weekly commentary. Here's a link and you can change the last digit backwards to listen to lots of good sound financial info on previous broadcasts. He saw this market failure coming years ago and warned his listeners. Link is: Then click on the PLAY IN POPUP link to listen. These are usually about 30 minutes long.

                  I try to seek God's wisdom. Meditation in Psalms and Proverbs does wonders for my comfort, instruction and peace of mind.

                  May God bless each one here and keep us in the shadow of His wings.


                  • #10
                    Re: Markets Oct 2 2009

                    Ahh interesting.
                    Iss good point.
                    And Reg I do see your point. I guess I tend to think God will no longer use the system of the world but His system only. For years we have expected Him to use the system we set up and He has used it. But as it leaves the door open to hang on to this world.....
                    The ulitimate lesson of trust for Christians could be what we face. The total untangling of our world and theirs could be on our horizon and we should be prepared just in case He does tarry longer so we can experience that.


                    • #11
                      Re: Markets Oct 2 2009

                      But who knows it can go either way. Prophecy is moving so fast the world may see the AC very soon and we will be gone and none of this will matter.


                      • #12
                        Re: Markets Oct 2 2009


                        Yes - We could see the anti-christ soon.

                        Maybe God is going to do something great and send revival one last time before the tribulation.

                        Maybe He breaks some countries. Dictators?

                        OR - ??

                        Whatever it is, we will trust Him.

                        Have a blessed day



                        • #13
                          Re: Markets Oct 2 2009

                          I really wish I could believe that as I hear it so often from ministries but the Bible seem to indicate a worldwide "remnant", from all nations. And He see things worldwide.The only way I can blend the two thoughts is to think He is talking about something soooo much more personal. Personal revival.
                          For so long the Christian world, in the west, has been able to live in minimal dependency, causing us to have more of a end of life, emergency only, dependency on God.
                          We just may have to walk the walk of the Bible for a short time before He returns for us pre trib, as we are now to a degree being forced to face.
                          I took the statement
                          China now has the largest population of Christians.
                          out, as I do not have at hand anything to prove this.
                          Last edited by SAT; 10-02-2009, 11:55 AM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Markets Oct 2 2009

                            Dictators and hardship tend to bring in a flock.


                            • #15
                              Re: Markets Oct 2 2009

                              I saw an article the other day quoting an organization who keeps financial tabs on the churches. They claim people did not run to "church" as expecting but some moved away from it.They claim the number of churches that are on the edge of bankruptcy is scarie. Unemployment and those who feel let down by God. Some are gaining, but it does not outweight the number walking away. No I don't have a url sorry. I'm not sure that really matters anyway.
                              Then I hear ministries claiming the opposite is about to happen. I would not claim to know, as these are unusual times, separating the goats from the sheep, remnant etc????? shrug And there is a whole world to harvest the remnant from.
                              Our world, the west, has been predominately "christian" but now it seems the harvest is coming from the ME etc etc etc. Keeping in mind "remnant" I have to think we will see stragglers picked up but if things get hard we may see some walk away in preparation for the OWR as that is where the peace ad security of the world will be offered.

