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Communist Revolution In America

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  • Communist Revolution In America

    This is an excellent synopsis by Michael Savage:

    And if you listened to Glenn Beck last night, you will surely see the truth in this.

  • #2
    Re: Communist Revolution In America

    Thanks for sharing, that is so true by Michael Savage. I listen to Glenn Beck all the time, he is truly coming out on this and warning the american people to wake up before it's too late. He needs our prayers all the time for protection for him and his family as he speaks out against this evil trying to grip our country and make us communists or socialists. Some are starting to wake up and smell the coffee but the rest are still under a demonic spell and don't see anything wrong which I just can't understand for the life of me. Either they wan't to see this country go socialist or they are really in a deep coma.

    Obama stated while campaigning, we are 5 days away from a great fundamental change in America, he is here to destroy this nation. And like Glenn said look who Obama surrounds himself with, you will know what kind of person he is alone as birds of the same feather flock together.

    We have the power of prayer on our side to pray against such evil and plead the blood against principalties and rulers of the air and bind the forces of darkness and that seek to devour. We also have faith for such a time as this..


    • #3
      Re: Communist Revolution In America

      You are so right. The people pulling the strings of the puppet would not hesitate to use assassination to further their cause, so we need to be praying for Glenn and his family, for protection and safety.


      • #4
        Re: Communist Revolution In America

        I wasn't quite so sure where to put this post as the quote herein applies to so many threads now ... I think GH's thread title here works though.

        Karl Marx himself has stated that “The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism,” a sentiment that corresponds almost exactly to the Islamic idea that “peace” means the absence of opposition to Islamic rule. Cultural Marxism — aka Political Correctness — and Islam share the same totalitarian outlook and instinctively agree in their opposition to free discussion, and in the idea that freedom of speech must be curtailed when it is “offensive” to certain groups. Former Muslim Ali Sina notes that “there is very little difference between the Left and Islam. What is lacking in both these creeds is the adherence to the Golden Rule. Just as for Muslims, everything Islamic is a priori right and good and everything un-Islamic is a priori wrong and evil, for the Left, everything leftist is a priori oppressed and good and everything rightist is a priori oppressor and evil. Facts don’t matter. Justice is determined by who you are and not by what you have done.” “Political correctness is an intellectual sickness. It means expediently lying when telling the truth is not expedient. This practice is so widespread and so common that it is considered to be normal.”
        whole write up

        The church is on Earth to save souls from a lost world, not to save the world from lost souls.

        Man learns about history, not from history. To learn from history requires wisdom. Cut off from God, he has none, so history repeats; no new thing under the sun.

        I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken - dylan

        Psalms 122:8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.


        • #5
          Re: Communist Revolution In America

          Some interesting points in a blog ...

          The simple fact is that we never won the Cold War as decisively as we should have. Yes, the Berlin Wall fell, and the Soviet Union collapsed. This removed the military threat to the West, and the most hardcore, economic Marxism suffered a blow as a credible alternative. However, one of the really big mistakes we made after the Cold War ended was to declare that Socialism was now dead, and thus no longer anything to worry about. Here we are, nearly a generation later, discovering that Marxist rhetoric and thinking have penetrated every single stratum of our society, from the Universities to the media. Islamic terrorism is explained as caused by “poverty, oppression and marginalization,” a classic, Marxist interpretation.

          What happened is that while the “hard” Marxism of the Soviet Union may have collapsed, at least for now, the “soft” Marxism of the Western Left has actually grown stronger, in part because we deemed it to be less threatening. The “hard” Marxists had intercontinental nuclear missiles and openly said that they would “bury” us. The soft Marxists talk about tolerance and may seem less threatening, but their goal of overthrowing the evil, capitalist West remains the same. In fact, they are more dangerous precisely because they hide their true goals under different labels. Perhaps we should call it “stealth Socialism” instead of soft Socialism.

          One of the readers of Fjordman blog once pointed out that we never had a thorough de-Marxification process after the Cold War, similar to the de-Nazification after WW2. He was thinking of the former Soviet Union and the countries in Eastern Europe, but he should probably have included their Marxist fellow travellers, their sympathizers and apologists in the West. We never fully confronted the ideology of Marxism, and demonstrated that the suffering it caused for hundreds of millions of people was a direct result of Marxist ideas. We just assumed that Marxism was dead and moved on, allowing many of its ideals to mutate into new forms and many of its champions to continue their work uninterrupted, sometimes filled with a vengeance and a renewed zeal for another assault on the capitalist West.

          We are now paying the price for this. Not only has Marxism survived, it is thriving and has in some ways grown stronger. Leftist ideas about Multiculturalism and de-facto open borders have achieved a virtual hegemony in public discourse, their critics vilified and demonized. By hiding their intentions under labels such as “anti-racism” and “tolerance,” Leftists have achieved a degree of censorship of public discourse they could never have dreamt of had they openly stated that their intention was to radically transform Western civilization and destroy its foundations.

          The Left have become ideological orphans after the Cold War, or perhaps we should call them ideological mercenaries. Although the viable economic alternative to capitalism didn’t work out, their hatred for this system never subsided, it merely transformed into other forms. Multiculturalism is just a different word for “divide and conquer,” pitting various ethnic and cultural groups against each other and destroying the coherence of Western society from within.

          At the very least, the people living in the former Communist countries knew and admitted that they were taking part in a gigantic social experiment, and that the media and the authorities were serving them propaganda to shore up support for this project. Yet in the supposedly free West, we are taking part in a gigantic social experiment of Multiculturalism and Muslim immigration every bit as radical, utopian and potentially dangerous as Communism, seeking to transform our entire society from top to bottom, and still we refuse to even acknowledge that this is going on.
          whole write up

          The church is on Earth to save souls from a lost world, not to save the world from lost souls.

          Man learns about history, not from history. To learn from history requires wisdom. Cut off from God, he has none, so history repeats; no new thing under the sun.

          I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken - dylan

          Psalms 122:8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.


          • #6
            Re: Communist Revolution In America

            I have been watching Glenn Beck all week so far, and I agree with him that something big is up and I believe that God in His mercy to wake America up is using this man. There is a hidden agenda brewing, it has been brewing for quite sometime but now, I understand it's coming to a head now. We have communists and socialists advising this president and things are changing rapidly but we haven't seen the brunt of it yet. When a lot of these people voted for Obama, I don't believe this is the change they asked for or wanted, I believe they expected something else but they will be very sorry to wake up one day and find that we have become like Venezuela where we can't speak out minds anymore and our freedom has been taken away. The news media will be controlled and they are mistaken if they think they will get a free pass on this because they have kissed up to Obama and the democrats.

            Americans should be outraged because the news media is not speaking at all, and this is because they are controlled already and under the Obama spell.

            It can happen overnight that conservative talk radio as we know it is gone as they have the new diversity czar who acts and sounds like a communists, this is not good for america at all but people are so blinded they don't see it coming.

            Prayer is most important like never before, and binding the forces of darkness that would seek to devour and casting them out in Jesus name. A lot of people hate this nation, they don't feel like they got a fair shake, but there is still lot's who love this country and hopefully they rise up and remember how wonderful it was to grow up in a country that we were free in and have fond memories of and fight for this freedom like never before. Not fight viciously, but fight professionally out of love and concern for this nation.

            Keep praying for Glenn Beck and his family and those that speak out on behalf of our freedom.


            • #7
              Re: Communist Revolution In America

              Certainly Glenn Beck's series proves that what Michael Savage is saying is absolutely true. When will people wake up?


              • #8
                Re: Communist Revolution In America

                That's what I am praying for. Either they are under that deep spell I keep talking about or they just are so into themselves and their lives and don't really even care.. I am not sure. But what is coming will jolt them right out of their space.


                • #9
                  Re: Communist Revolution In America

                  Gregstien and I have been watching Glenn Beck this week. Let me tell you there are things brewing and I have learned more things this week. I knew it was bad but I had no idea just how bad this could get. The president has surrounded himself with radicals, communists, etc and some of these "czars" are scary people. Obama spoke about changing this country and change is just what we are going to get if the American people don't speak up and pray about this. This is some scary times we are living in. I sit here in disbelief that our country is going down the drain. God may very well be lifting his hand of protection from our country and I feel its going to get much worse.


                  • #10
                    Re: Communist Revolution In America

                    Originally posted by cornerstone33 View Post
                    That's what I am praying for. Either they are under that deep spell I keep talking about or they just are so into themselves and their lives and don't really even care.. I am not sure. But what is coming will jolt them right out of their space.
                    Amen, Gonna be a lotta shocked and awed people!


                    • #11
                      Re: Communist Revolution In America

                      Originally posted by cornerstone33 View Post
                      That's what I am praying for. Either they are under that deep spell I keep talking about or they just are so into themselves and their lives and don't really even care.. I am not sure. But what is coming will jolt them right out of their space.
                      Checkout 2 Cor 4:3, 4
                      4:3 But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are perishing, 4:4 among whom the god of this age has blinded the minds of those who do not believe so they would not see the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God.
                      Rom 1:28-32
                      1:28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what should not be done. 1:29 They are filled with every kind of unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, malice. They are rife with envy, murder, strife, deceit, hostility. They are gossips, 1:30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, contrivers of all sorts of evil, disobedient to parents, 1:31 senseless, covenant-breakers, heartless, ruthless. 1:32 Although they fully know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but also approve of those who practice them.


                      • #12
                        Re: Communist Revolution In America

                        It can very well be ... I think likely ... that the true members of the body of Christ, those indwelt by the Holy Spirit, those born twice ... are praying. This does not preclude judgement. Believers are not promoting and legalizing the murder of children in the womb. Believers are not allowing prostitution in some cities. Believers are not producing and distributing pornography. Believers are not producing the filth that pours out of just about every media outlet; i.e. television, movies, books, billboards, signage, radio, magazines, internet, etc. Believers are not promoting homosexual unions, behavior, shows, rights, etc. These things and much, much more are POURING out of the "world" system. As believers, we need to pray that we will be vigilant in saying the gospel anywhere, anytime, we can. We need to pray that the hearts and ears of those we will encounter in any given day will hear us when we share it. It could very well be that true believers are awake, are alert, are fighting a seeming hopeless tide of evil as it sweeps over the West. We are in the last days and certain events will happen because it's that time. Prophecy and God's judgement isn't going to happen because the church isn't doing .... well, whatever it is that we're supposed to be doing ... Prophecy fulfillment and God's judgement are the result of sin.

                        I'm not letting the true church off scott free though ... not that I have any say about anything ... I'm just saying what I think ... my opinion ... God calls us to holiness. To be holy is to be set apart unto God. Too often we are not setting ourselves, or allowing ourselves to be set aside ... depending on one's perspective .. for God's use. We've been bought with a price; the highest possible price, so God can use us to accomplish His purpose in the earth. Instead we sometimes forget that and do our own thing.

                        Let us be about our Father's business.

                        The church is on Earth to save souls from a lost world, not to save the world from lost souls.

                        Man learns about history, not from history. To learn from history requires wisdom. Cut off from God, he has none, so history repeats; no new thing under the sun.

                        I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken - dylan

                        Psalms 122:8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.


                        • #13
                          Re: Communist Revolution In America

                          Well said, Issachar (as usual )


                          • #14
                            Re: Communist Revolution In America

                            Let's continue to pray for Glenn Beck and his family. We learned a lot this week, it was an eye openner. I knew things were brewing but this brought a lot to light. Spirit of antichrist is here in this world getting stronger because he will be coming on the scene shortly. But we have the Christ in our hearts, we are born again and washed in the blood of the Lamb. Our big mission now like it has always been but even greater now, is to share the gospel more and more before it's too late as we are now in the last hours, not last days. March in Washington, September 12, let's pray that it's a good march and successful. I tell you, this leader is a trouble maker and a divider and is causing division among the people and will eventually bring an all out war. Training an army to pay homage to him only and eventually use them against all those who oppose him. Hmmmmmmmm pretty evil right??

                            Praise the LORD for His protection on us and His people Israel all thru the years. We know who we believeth and are persuaded that He is able to deliver that what we commited unto Him against that day. Amen..

                            Psalm 5:12, For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him with a shield.

