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Spend Less Time In Purgatory

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  • #31
    Re: Spend Less Time In Purgatory

    Originally posted by BarbT
    Did the Lord tell the thief "Verily I say to you, today you will be with me in PURGATORY" ???

    Not all people have to go through purgatory if it turns out that their good works on earth are sufficient to cover the temporal punishment associated with their sins. That is the whole idea of indulgences - good works to make up for the temporal punishment only of our bad works.

    The thief on the cross did some might good works as he face death and yet confessed his sins, repented, and professed his belief in Jesus witnessing to others as he did. He even received the baptism of desire and so only the sins he committed after that point (of which there were none) would be part of this as baptism washes away all our sins to that point in our life.


    • #32
      Re: Spend Less Time In Purgatory

      Originally posted by N1095A
      There is no purgatory. It cannot be found in the New Testament,
      Neither can the word Trinity, but the concept is there just as it is for purgatory.

      Originally posted by N1095A
      nor the fact that popes sold indulgences to get others out of purgatory faster for money.
      The selling of indulgences was a bad thing done by some in the Church and has been denounced and corrected. It is not done anymore, and it was never sanctioned by the Church and never done by a Pope.


      • #33
        Time to relax

        Ok everyone, take a break!

        Let's take a break before it gets very bad.

        I do want to stress one thing for now, please no name calling or down playing each other no matter what side of the issue you are in.


        • #34
          Re: Spend Less Time In Purgatory

          I, for one, am delighted to see this discussion taking place. I believe that it is being done in a civil and decent manner. I, as a Protestant, agree with Michael that there is a definite need to take into account the whole of the scriptures before one attempts to build a doctrine.

          Whether or not one agrees with Roman Catholic theology, I think that being intellectually honest is important. It couldn't hurt any one of us to learn what our RC brothers and sisters really believe or what the Church really teaches instead of what most of us have been taught they believe. As to the former nun's website, I have been on it before and done an awful lot of reading. I am no scholar but I know for sure you can find an article to bolster any point of view. Please understand that I am not attempting to judge her or her motives, I'm just pointing out that most of us will tend to work to defend our own bias or viewpoint.


          • #35

            Those that have been here long enough know this is another unwinable debate that lasts till one side decides to just stop. I've made that decision for it's time for all of us to make the same decision. If those that are part of the Roman Church don't agree with those of us that are Protestants then understand that position and make the choice to either keep silent about it or move elsewhere. Other Roman Church members have done so (I'm thinking of one very long-term member of our board that I happen to consider a dear friend!).

            Simply put: Our board is run by PRE-TRIB, PROTESTANTS. Just as surely as no Protestant church would allow a Roman Church "Priest"; or a Muslim Cleric, or a Morman (whatever they're called) to come and teach their doctrine in their church this is our position, too. No, we're not a church per-se but the board IS run by a group of people very set in what WE believe to be the truths of scripture. There are doctrines we believe are highly deceptive and very much against the truths of scripture. Are we wrong sometimes? Of course we are - but we ARE unified on many of these doctrinal issues.

            Michael - you're brand new here - this is the first time you've posted. I recommend you decide to take a different subject to discuss with our board...or go somewhere else where endless, winless debates are welcome...or perhaps visit a board run by Roman Church believers.


            • #36
              Re: Spend Less Time In Purgatory

              Originally posted by Glorify Him
              I, for one, am delighted to see this discussion taking place. I believe that it is being done in a civil and decent manner. I, as a Protestant, agree with Michael that there is a definite need to take into account the whole of the scriptures before one attempts to build a doctrine.

              Whether or not one agrees with Roman Catholic theology, I think that being intellectually honest is important. It couldn't hurt any one of us to learn what our RC brothers and sisters really believe or what the Church really teaches instead of what most of us have been taught they believe. As to the former nun's website, I have been on it before and done an awful lot of reading. I am no scholar but I know for sure you can find an article to bolster any point of view. Please understand that I am not attempting to judge her or her motives, I'm just pointing out that most of us will tend to work to defend our own bias or viewpoint.
              What this individual is teaching is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT on MANY issues than what other Roman Church members have brought up for debate on our site. I can think of several names, right off the top of my head, of folks that have engaged folks like Nelson till the thread completely took over the board...and to no avail.

              I'm sorry, GH, that just isn't going to happen again. There are a plethora of sites out there with information that will fill you with as much doctrine as you wish, if you want to know what the Roman Church teaches - but keep in mind that what is considered "Official RC Dogma" may NOT be what an individual teaches/believes. Thus, I suggest if you want to learn more about any religion - go to the sources, not to individuals who hold the beliefs.

              Perfect example: One Muslim will interpret the Koran to say - kill unbelievers. Another one will say that this is a spiritual battle, not a physical one - thus you are "killing" the "enemy" that lives within you and subjecting it to the will of Allah. Both reading the same book, both coming to different conclusions.

              And - let's face it, we Protestants have the same issue. This is why there are so many different denominations....MOST of the division is on secondary issues but - nonetheless, we don't all agree on all things.

