I don't remember if this is a reair or not? Tonight's show, entitled, "Inside the Meltdown" is good.
I don't know if this is the complete show, but I think it is online also, here.
Enjoy ... I suspect some behind the scenes things are quite fragile. In fact, imho, they have to be.
When one has healthy kidneys, outside of eating correctly and exercising, you don't have to give them a thought. They do their thing automatically, quietly, in-the-background ... very effectively. When they fail, one has to go on dialysis; the artificial kidney. It is a marvelous machine. But it is a machine that takes very constant maintenance and monitoring. Everything about staying healthy ... well, as healthy as can be expected ... requires a most amazing knowledge of what minerals, etc. are in every food that one eats and water/liquid intake must be EXTREMELY monitored. This is a everyday of every week of every year, thing. The monitoring is relentless. Distance travel is a major issue. Arrangements MUST be made ahead of time. The body cares not where it is or why; it just needs toxins removed.
I see a fiat economy the same way. With a free market, it is automatically self regulated. I think we all know how that works. But fiat is an artificial economy. It can only work and be sustained by the most intense effort imaginable. Over time, it develops unexpected issues that MUST be dealt with and often, in a hurry. Tonight's Frontline is an example of this. My oldest brother lasted about 26 years on dialysis. That is a loooong time, but very short compared to the automatic system.
My belief about all this economy stuff is that much of it is designed to do what it is doing; that is, transferring wealth from the masses to a few; the few being the architects of a NWO, a NWO that will one day be headed by the anti-christ. That transfer of wealth cannot happen in a free market system because of the auto regulatory nature of it. Yes, economies have somewhat of a life of their own. I know the scriptures (and am always learning more) and have a clue what the end of the age entails. I see all this as simply being it's (end of the age) outworking. It generates zero fear in me. I watch with anticipation. Rest and peace is in Christ; certainly not in any aspect of the "world".
I don't know if this is the complete show, but I think it is online also, here.
Enjoy ... I suspect some behind the scenes things are quite fragile. In fact, imho, they have to be.
When one has healthy kidneys, outside of eating correctly and exercising, you don't have to give them a thought. They do their thing automatically, quietly, in-the-background ... very effectively. When they fail, one has to go on dialysis; the artificial kidney. It is a marvelous machine. But it is a machine that takes very constant maintenance and monitoring. Everything about staying healthy ... well, as healthy as can be expected ... requires a most amazing knowledge of what minerals, etc. are in every food that one eats and water/liquid intake must be EXTREMELY monitored. This is a everyday of every week of every year, thing. The monitoring is relentless. Distance travel is a major issue. Arrangements MUST be made ahead of time. The body cares not where it is or why; it just needs toxins removed.
I see a fiat economy the same way. With a free market, it is automatically self regulated. I think we all know how that works. But fiat is an artificial economy. It can only work and be sustained by the most intense effort imaginable. Over time, it develops unexpected issues that MUST be dealt with and often, in a hurry. Tonight's Frontline is an example of this. My oldest brother lasted about 26 years on dialysis. That is a loooong time, but very short compared to the automatic system.
My belief about all this economy stuff is that much of it is designed to do what it is doing; that is, transferring wealth from the masses to a few; the few being the architects of a NWO, a NWO that will one day be headed by the anti-christ. That transfer of wealth cannot happen in a free market system because of the auto regulatory nature of it. Yes, economies have somewhat of a life of their own. I know the scriptures (and am always learning more) and have a clue what the end of the age entails. I see all this as simply being it's (end of the age) outworking. It generates zero fear in me. I watch with anticipation. Rest and peace is in Christ; certainly not in any aspect of the "world".