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Doctor's office today "masks and gloves"

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  • Doctor's office today "masks and gloves"

    I went to my doctor today for labs and followup checkup for hospital release last Saturday.

    All in the office were wearing surgical masks and gloves. Not all patients had masks on. I was given a mask and told because I have cancer it would be wise for me to wear it. I was also told, if I have to go grocery shopping to go when the stores have very few customers. I was told to avoid crowds too.

    Soooo, I just quickly said a prayer and asked Jesus to put a hedge of protection around me. ping: trusting in the Great Physician, God our Father.

    Anyone else went to the doctor today?


  • #2
    Re: Doctor's office today "masks and gloves"

    Glad you are out of the hospital and feeling well enough to post again, Dove! Praise to the Great Physician!


    • #3
      Re: Doctor's office today "masks and gloves"

      Hubby has an appt this AM for blood glucose recheck. He has his own mask & gloves. Said if the office is full that he will have the items in his pocket ready to don....

      Will let you know what he finds....


      • #4
        Re: Doctor's office today "masks and gloves"

        I think that wearing a mask in a doctor's office is smart for patients and staff. Very full of sick people, and if someone has this strain of flu, then protecting your mucuous membrans is critical. Don't forget to keep washing your paws when you are out. Keep your hands off your face!


        • #5
          Re: Doctor's office today "masks and gloves"

          No gloves & masks being donned by my hubby's doc's office or staff. Doc mentioned that retail masks are unavailable at this time. She said "people have gone nuts buying them up."

