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Soldier Gagged on Obama Eligibility Question

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  • Soldier Gagged on Obama Eligibility Question

    U.S. soldier gagged on prez's eligibility
    Military member seeking documentation silenced
    Posted: March 03, 2009
    8:48 pm Eastern

    By Bob Unruh
    © 2009 WorldNetDaily

    A member of the U.S. military whose suspicions about Barack Obama's eligibility to be president prompted him to sign onto a legal demand being sent to Attorney General Eric Holder has now been silenced.

    Attorney Orly Taitz, the California activist who through her foundation is assembling the case, told WND today she's been informed one of the members of the military has been ordered by commanding officers not to speak with media.

    The officer's identity was withheld to prevent further actions against him.

    However, Taitz confirmed to WND there would be no lack of plaintiffs in her action, which challenges Obama to prove by what authority he operates as commander in chief.

    Another active-duty soldier, who identified himself as Staff Sgt. Alan Craig James, volunteered to be identified publicly as a plaintiff in the case, Taitz said.

    She said she already has a list of 101 volunteers in her case demanding Obama's proof of eligibility.

  • #2
    Re: Soldier Gagged on Obama Eligibility Question

    I guess it's OK for our military to fight for our freedom and rights but they don't get to exercise them themselves. Too bad. The (REMOVED) moves on....freedom of speech is not OK when it comes to do with O-man.
    Last edited by Andy; 03-06-2009, 02:28 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Soldier Gagged on Obama Eligibility Question
      A U.S. senator has suggested that voters have made Barack Obama eligible to occupy the Oval Office, whether or not he meets the constitutional mandate of being a "natural born" citizen.
      The comments from Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., came in an e-mail sent to a constituent shortly after the election, which just now was forwarded to WND.
      "And, he has now been duly elected by the majority of voters in the United States. Throughout both the primary and general election, concerns about Mr. Obama's birthplace were raised. The voters have made clear their view that Mr. Obama meets the qualifications to hold the office of president," he wrote.

      Interesting that the majority of the voters have made the foreigner who calls himself "Obama" to be "qualified" to be President even though the Constitution disqualifies him. But the majority of the voters in California have no right to place a voter-approved constitutional amendment that limits marriage to one man and one woman.

      Tsk, tsk, tsk, talk about a government that is double-minded and unstable in all it's ways.

      Lawmakers: Court should reject voters' decision
      Arguments on California's Prop 8 fight on calendar


      • #4
        Re: Soldier Gagged on Obama Eligibility Question

        If we roll over for this guy and don't demand he prove whatever it is that his lawyers are making sure he's hiding, then we've done nothing good for the country or those who follow us, should the Lord tarry.

        This guy hides behind all kinds of stuff. Those who would protect him use all sorts of tactics, including PC-nonsense.


        • #5
          Re: Soldier Gagged on Obama Eligibility Question

          It's just amazing to sit back and watch what's going we are in the twilight zone, which I guess is what we really have entered in to. The Supreme Court seems like they've lost all of their power, if they even have had any in the last several years. Everyone is in bed with each other and the masses are all at a loss as what to do. Poor Glenn Beck has been beside himself lately with frustration. Has any one been watching him?


          • #6
            Re: Soldier Gagged on Obama Eligibility Question

            They have Fox News on at work along with one set of mainframes being monitored, but the sound has to be off so we can hear our customers. We can see the stories all day long though. Helps on those 12 hour shifts. I got home 40 minutes ago and I have to be in bed in 4 hours max and then off for 12 more tomorrow.

            I was the prophet of doom on the American economy and was blown off by several Christians I worked with. They laughed me off. I told them housing was going to crumble. One former co-worker (boss) made a point of noting that there are always "cycles" (IOW, *I* didn't know what I was talking about - just isolated bad luck). Well, we all know what's happened to the housing market compared to last summer.

            Well folks, it's worse than I thought. Prepare yourselves as much as you can. 2-3 months ago, when the Dow was around 9,000, I predicted 6,500 Dow by fall. Well, it was 6,7xx in the last couple days.

            Get rid of small debts and I'm sorry, buy some protection for you and your family. Whether burglar alarm or otherwise, do it legal, etc. if you can afford it (safety first). There are serious potentials for crime and I don't like that one bit.

            The situation seems a bit surreal. We may be witnessing the destruction of America. No, I do not want to see that.

            If one of these lawsuits succeeds and we find out something really amazing, it would only add more chaos. But we deserve to know.


            • #7
              Re: Soldier Gagged on Obama Eligibility Question

              I agree, it's going to get worse. I watch the pundits on TV and think, they have no clue as to what's going on in the spiritual realm. I think it's really going to get ugly when the sheeple finally get disillusioned with their messiah and turn on him. The only good thing about watching this unfold is that I know it has to happen to bring the Lord back, so that's comforting. Pity those who do not possess this faith. As far as the law suit, it must be that the Supreme Court is somehow in cahoots with Obama, and that sounds a little paranoid, I know. But why else are they acting so impotent to end this issue? I am not a conspiracy nut, but I think there must be some seed of truth in what those guys have to say, the way things have been going lately.


              • #8
                Re: Soldier Gagged on Obama Eligibility Question

                I cannot wait until "Obama" is removed from office. I almost can't handle this Twilight Zone Nightmare of President Obama. That could be a movie flick title.

                Now two senators have responded by email to their constituents.

                Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. tells them settles Obama's eligibility
                Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla. tells them voters settle Obama's eligibility

                I'm thinking the fact these two are even responding to the voters about it, albeit lamely, is because they are Republicans? I just emailed my two senators about the issue. Feinstein drinks Obama's Kool-Aide like coffee and Boxer gets her daily dose too, but it will be interesting to see their responses. However, I suspect they both will ignore the email.

                (Because Snopes is a left wing website I don't trust them for anything. The moment they started spewing Obama lies and propaganda, I dismissed them.)

                At least the issue is seeing the light of day with constituents and military servicemen. The MSM can't ignore this forever, can they?

                I feel that it's a race for Obama to get his civilian military force "Gestapo" and "concentration camps" in place BEFORE the American People in the tens of millions as one force demand that the SCOTUS disqualify him and remove him from Office. I have never seen such a spiritual battle raging so strongly before my eyes.

                OBAMA WATCH CENTRAL
                Republican senator says Snopes settled 'eligibility'
                Arizona's Kyl cites website that assumes Hawaiian birth

