This article is from last year, but I just heard of this now, quite interesting, although Im not convinced the Babylon in Revelation will be the city in modern day Iraq, at the moment other cities would fit that description more.
I guess time will tell.
full story:
I guess time will tell.
Today the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is pumping millions of dollars into Babylon and several other historical sites in Iraq. With the help of private donors the UN is hoping to turn Babylon in to a thriving center of tourism and commerce. If everything goes according to plan, Babylon will be a cultural center complete with shopping malls, hotels, and maybe even a theme park.
Don't be misled by confusing the Fall of Babylon in history with the Destruction of Babylon, as prophesied in the Bible. Many Bible handbooks, dictionaries, and commentaries give you the impression that Babylon was "destroyed" in 539 BC. But it is important to realize that when Cyrus the Great captured Babylon he was able to take it over without a battle. In fact, this feat is celebrated in the famed Cylinder of Cyrus that is featured in the British Museum in London. Babylon served as a secondary capital of the Persian Empire for two centuries until Alexander the Great conquered the Persians in 325 BC. He made it his capital; in fact, he died there. Four of his generals then divided up the empire, and subsequently Babylon gradually atrophied over the centuries.
Don't be misled by confusing the Fall of Babylon in history with the Destruction of Babylon, as prophesied in the Bible. Many Bible handbooks, dictionaries, and commentaries give you the impression that Babylon was "destroyed" in 539 BC. But it is important to realize that when Cyrus the Great captured Babylon he was able to take it over without a battle. In fact, this feat is celebrated in the famed Cylinder of Cyrus that is featured in the British Museum in London. Babylon served as a secondary capital of the Persian Empire for two centuries until Alexander the Great conquered the Persians in 325 BC. He made it his capital; in fact, he died there. Four of his generals then divided up the empire, and subsequently Babylon gradually atrophied over the centuries.