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Colony Collapse Disorder

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  • Colony Collapse Disorder

    What have you all heard about this? It really seems to be getting serious. It seems that honeybees are dying at an alarming rate in at least 22 states (and spreading). They are not really sure why.

    Without the honeybee, a significant amount of plantlife cannot be pollinated. This includes the main crops used to feed most animals used for meat in the US.


  • #2
    Re: Colony Collapse Disorder

    I have read about people who were pollinating their gardens themselves the last couple years due to lack of bees.

    Here is a recent article on it:

    Personally, we've had pleny of bees, I was stung more in the last two summers than in all my life. I was stung 3 times each the last two summers.


    • #3
      Re: Colony Collapse Disorder

      I reported this in the news section over a week ago. It is really scary.


      • #4
        Re: Colony Collapse Disorder

        I know plenty about this because a friend from a Bible study I was in was also a bee keeper as a hobby. The various diseases that bees have been getting for the last 15 years or so has almost wiped them out in Florida. Most people don't realize that without bees, you don't have produce. Nothing to pollinate means zero on the grocery shelves.

        In Fla. they inspect hives, and if they are infected, the state burns them.


        • #5
          Re: Colony Collapse Disorder


          That also means no meat since alphalfa (?) is pollinated. I have also heard that it will greatly diminish the amount of birds and other small animals.



          • #6
            Re: Colony Collapse Disorder

            Could this be a sign of the times? More hardship to come? Could it be that all of creation is tired and anxiously waiting for the Lord's return?


            • #7
              Re: Colony Collapse Disorder

              Not regarding bees, but regarding manipulating our food supply and it's manipulation by the UN and pharmeceuticals (sp?)....

              Tamar's show on the 20th..
              "No, You CAN'T Eat That." - Love, Your Global Government
              Within three years time, you may not be able to purchase any more vitamins or supplements to stay healthy, but you will be eating food that has been genetically modified, sometimes even with shrimp, or even HUMAN origins in your food. How can this possibly happen? What does this mean for Jews who keep Kosher? Dr. Rima Laibow M.D. tells us that the U.N. and WTO are encroaching on almost every aspect of our lives, making new regulations on the foods we can eat, what chemicals and modifications must go into our foods, and what every cow and chicken on the planet must be injected with, in order for it be accepted as 'food'. She also tells us why pharmaceutical companies want us to be 'sick'.


              • #8
                Re: Colony Collapse Disorder


                Dr. Laibow's website


                • #9
                  Re: Colony Collapse Disorder

                  Interesting, the last time I bought my vitamins, there was a new label on them, "GMO". This program says that foods and vitamins are now being marked "GMO" to let you know that they are NOT Genetically Modified; without the GMO Label, the foods/vitamins you buy, you will not know if it has been modified or not. Weird, I wondered what GMO meant.

