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Iran Faults Russia for Delaying Bushehr Launch (Nuke Fuel to be delayed past March?)

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  • Iran Faults Russia for Delaying Bushehr Launch (Nuke Fuel to be delayed past March?)

    Iran Faults Russia for Delaying Bushehr Launch (Nuke Fuel to be delayed past March?)

    Iran has blamed on Russia the attempts to delay starting up its first nuclear power plant in Bushehr. The respective statement was made by Mohammed Saedi, deputy head of Atomic Energy Agency of the country.
    Saedi refuted any payment holdup for Bushehr Nuclear Plant, specifying that Iran has never delayed such payments.

    Earlier, Russia’s Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom) announced it could put off the dates of fuel supplies to Bushehr because Tehran has violated the payment terms. Iran is a month behind with the payments, Rosatom claimed.


    In big contracts like this being a month behind in payments is typically not that big of an issue - I suspect Russia is now stalling for reasons of their own -

    ....presumably they also realize that the moment will soon come when Israel orders an attack and are thus delaying or running a scam to throw Israel off and plan to sneak the fuel in when unexpected.

  • #2
    Re: Iran Faults Russia for Delaying Bushehr Launch (Nuke Fuel to be delayed past March?)

    Right Tom, can't trust Russia no farther than you can throw them. Putin is very dangerous and he has something in mind. He may have gotten word about Israel ready to attack.


    • #3
      Re: Iran Faults Russia for Delaying Bushehr Launch (Nuke Fuel to be delayed past March?)

      Something's up.
      Putin seems to fear no man, so why stall?
      For him, it's a money thing, and power of course.
      What's the UN going to do, impose sanctions?


      • #4
        Re: Iran Faults Russia for Delaying Bushehr Launch (Nuke Fuel to be delayed past March?)

        Very long article - explains Russia and Iran in big fight over major cost escalations to finish the Bushehr plant - claims project may stall out indefinitely?;s=11_2;site=1

        UN Sanctions To Affect Bushehr Plant, Cost Might Rise To US 3 Billion: IRNA
        By Safa Haeri
        Posted Tuesday, February 20, 2007

        Tehran, IRNA (20 Feb.) In an article critical to the Russian firm in charge of the construction of Iran’s first nuclear-powered electricity plant, the Iranian official news agency IRNA indirectly blames the Russians for “repeated delays” and hints that possibly, the whole of the project could be stopped because of the sanctions decided by the United Nations Security Council against Iran.

        “According to same sources, the rejection by Iran of the United Nations Security Council to stop its activities for enriching uranium could be another reason for the delay in both completing the project and transferring to Iran necessary fuel for the plant, as this shipment of nuclear fuel to Iran could fall under the UN sanctions.

        “According to experts, the question of the Bushehr atomic energy plant and its relation to the Iranian nuclear standoff at the UN Security Council would become clearer in the coming days. ENDS BUSHEHR UNFINISHED
        In several previous articles it was clearly stated that the Russians had worked out an agreement with the UN Security Council members that the sanctions voted against Iran would exempt the completion of the Bushehr nuclear power plant... thus something else is going on here - it may just be that the Russian firms (as is typical) are in trouble financially and are thus squeezing Iran for many 10s of millions is supposed changes, delays and cost "extras"....

        ...Or again this may all be an elaborate ploy to throw off the West and Israel into thinking that the construction and fuel delivery is stalled?
        Last edited by TomT; 02-20-2007, 07:53 PM.

